DREDGE Cheats and Secrets - Magic Game World

DREDGE Cheats and Secrets


How to Unlock The Secret Ending in Dredge

The secret ending in Dredge presents a more nuanced and thought-provoking finale to the game. Here is how to get the secret ending in Dredge.



Finish the main story:

First things first, make sure you’ve collected all five Relics throughout the main plot. These are essential for unlocking the secret ending.



Find the Old Mayor:

Sail to the unnamed island south of Devil’s Spine, located at map coordinates P-10. Once there, navigate the channel slicing through the island until you come across some ruins. Dock there and chat with the NPC you find, who happens to be the Old Mayor. Listen to his entire tale, and he’ll eventually direct you to the Lighthouse Keeper in Greater Marrow.



Chat with the Lighthouse Keeper:

Head back to Greater Marrow, the starting town, and look for the Lighthouse Keeper. Ask her about the Crimson Book, which will kick off the next portion of the quest.



Travel to Blackstone Isle:

Make your way to Blackstone Isle and locate the Collector. Opt for the dialogue choice to hide the Relic. Discuss his Book with the Collector, and when prompted, keep pushing for more information. Soon, you’ll have the chance to step closer and grab the Book. Do so, but don’t hand over the Relic.



Check in with the Lighthouse Keeper:

Return to the Lighthouse Keeper in Greater Marrow & let her know you’re ready, setting the next phase into motion.



Head to the marked location:

Check your map and navigate to the marked spot at coordinates G-8. The lighthouse will maintain its beam on this point, guiding you there. Once you arrive select the “Throw it back” option.


DREDGE Beginner’s Guide: Tips & Tricks for Sailing the Haunted Seas


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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