Dungeons 3 - Creatures Guide - Magic Game World

Dungeons 3 – Creatures Guide

Dungeons 3 - Creatures Guide

Little Snot

These small, cute creatures might sometimes smell a bit strong, but they have any number of positive attributes. For example, they handle all the dirty work of the Dungeon that no-one else will tackle – digging for gold, making toolboxes and… making more toolboxes. They also produce a satisfying sort of squeak when you tread on them – as a kind of Bonus Feature.


Little Snots will automatically be included with the Dungeon. If one of them dies, a new one will soon appear in the Throne Room. Your Little Snots Maximum determines how many you can own at once. Otherwise they have no requirements, as they very practically don’t need to eat or drink.




The Goblin is a malicious little Creature. One moment he’s pointing out your (supposedly) untied shoelace, next moment he’s sticking his dagger in your eye.


In the Horde food chain the Goblin is at the lower end, which just seems to make him meaner and more malicious. Goblins deal out a great deal of damage, but can only take a few blows themselves, which their virtually non-existent armor doesn’t much help.


Due to its small size a Goblin is relatively inconspicuous, which leads enemies to beat on not-Goblin-friends instead. Goblins are usually sent in to make the traps!




The common Orc is the backbone of every classic Horde-like army and a good all-round soldier for any up-and-coming villain.


These creatures with their tough, leathery skin are reasonably well-armored, and can take a few hits before they peg out. They can deal out a considerable amount of damage with their big axes.


Orcs can be provoked to bloodlust, which causes them to hit themselves in the face. This does hurt them and does damage, but it enrages them still further and causes them to deal out signi cantly more damage!




These sinuous contemporaries are often the (forked) tongue that tips the scales. They are renowned for their healing skills, which they can use to put the rest of the horde back together again. Nagas can cast a continual healing spell on a Horde target, causing the target to heal slowly over time. Nagas have no hands with which to manufacture traps and doors and would rather leave the whole business alone!




Stick a well-trained and enraged Orc in armor and weld it all together. This gets you a raving mad Ironhide, who overrides his future problems with excretal satisfaction with aggression, rage and strong blows. An Ironhide doesn’t dish out much, but is extremely effective at taking stick. He also taunts his opponent in close combat and makes him target the Ironhide.


As with normal Orcs the Ironhides can go into bloodlust, which causes them to hit themselves in the face. This does hurt them and does damage, but it enrages them still further and causes them to deal out signi cantly more damage!




Every Goblin has had enough of being nothing but cannon fodder. Few hit points, no armor… constantly lying on the ground is no fun at all. After a basic training course he gives his opponents the finger and inserts himself into a goddamn battle robot! Well,it still can’t take much, but it does do obscene amounts of damage.


A Gob-O-Bot is extremely adept at manufacturing traps and doors in the Tinkerer’s Cave.




Ogres are impressive mountains of meat that can dole out hefty sweeping blows with their oversized clubs. With their beefy constitution they can also take a few good blows. One should generally counter a hungry ogre by running away in panic.


An Ogre is a Titan Unit. You can only own one Titan.




Imps are much-misunderstood beings, who would actually like to devote themselves to the fine arts. Unfortunately this sort of thing interests the rest of the Demons not at all, so this desire has to be suppressed. This leads to rage and hatred and… well, you know how that goes. At any rate Imps are malicious, reball-spitting Demons with impressive range on single targets.


Imps are skilled at manufacturing Mana in the Arcanium.




Arachnids are demonic, swollen combinations of man and spider, the origins of which we are not going to get into here. These Creatures scuttle about on their four enormous spider legs and spit disgusting stuff all over their opponents.


Arachnids are tough and can take a fair bit. Apart from that they are not bad at generating Mana in the Arcanium.




Oh, là, là! These frivolously dressed demonesses will bat their eyelashes a few times and next thing you know, you’ve sold your soul to the devil. When they aren’t striking their enemies with magical missiles, they are using their natural attractiveness to bewitch opponents.


Otherwise Succubuses or Succubi or Succu-something-or-other- plural enjoy working in the torture chamber… yes, just torturing heroes!



Pit Fiend

“Flee, you fools!” is what you want to say when this Demon Prince climbs out of Hell. Tall, exaggeratedly muscular and quite simply evil are the trademarks of this Creature, only too happy to blast groups of enemies with fiery breath.


The Pit Fiend is a Titan Unit. You can only own one Titan.




These undead screamers are former members of a Death Metal band. Their Satanic music has led them to still be flitting around the world with a fondness for shrieking at the living. Cool thing!


The cry of a Banshee affects a cone-shaped area extending forward.




Braaaaaains! Do we really need to say any more about these much talked-about creatures, so well-known in pop culture? These beings are former heroes who have been rotting in the Graveyard, and like shuffling around in groups.


Along with Skeletons, Zombies are the only Creatures for which one Population Point will get the player multiple units – two at first, and later on in the game up to four.




These bony companions are always found on the move with bow in hand. You might ask, how do they actually hold together without any sinews. . . ah, that’s actually a damn good question! Thank God this is not a realistic game that has to deal with such problems! Skeletons appear when a hero starves to death in Prison.


Along with Zombies, Skeletons are the only Creatures for which one Population Point will get the player multiple units – two at first, and later on in the game up to four.




Powerful mages don’t like the idea of dying and so they often make a pact with Death. When they stash their innards cheerfully in the countryside, in the process they become powerful, undead Creatures full of strong magic. They don’t typically go on to win any beauty contests.


Lichs deal decent damage to an area and freeze any opponents they encounter!




These old bloodsuckers should never be left out of any well- ordered, clichéd undead faction. Myths, such as that in daylight they will turn to dust, have yet to be confirmed – same with the garlic.


The thing with the reflction is true though, and it makes them livid so you really shouldn’t mention it – or any teen vampire novels either for that matter.



Grave Golem

The Grave Golem is so-called not because he likes to dig, but because he is an animated tombstone. This undead spoilsport hits hard (he is after all made of tombstones and the like) and also emanates evil-smelling air – proverbially stealing his opponents’ breath. Helene Fischer should make a song about it.


A Grave Golem is a Titan Unit. You can only own one Titan.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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