Dungeons 3 - Rooms in The Dungeon - Magic Game World

Dungeons 3 – Rooms in The Dungeon

Dungeons 3 - Rooms in The Dungeon

You can excavate rooms and tunnels in your Dungeon to your heart‘s content. You can build a variety of rooms that you will need in order to keep your Dungeon running smoothly, recruit more Creatures, and research new rooms, traps, doors, and units. Idle Little Snots will gradually beautify the walls of your Dungeons, as adjoining rooms permit.


As a budding Evil Genius you should observe some basic ground rules:




Creatures are sloooooow. Try to keep routes between their workplaces and necessities short!



Room Efficiency

The more walls a room has, the more efficient it is. Efficiency affects a room‘s production. The more open a room is in terms of construction, the less efficient it is and therefore the more time is needed for production. Doors count as walls with respect to efficiency!



Controlling Heroes

Heroes mostly enter through the Dungeon Gate/s and want to destroy things in your rooms! As much as possible you should try to protect your Dungeon from invading do-gooders and give them a warm welcome with various traps!


Following are a couple of essential rooms you will need to start off with.



Throne Room

The Throne Room contains the Dungeonheart, the source of your power. If this is destroyed, you will be banned from the world and lose all influence over the game. So heroes will always attempt to attack the Dungeonheart.


The Throne Room also serves to store your gold. This is very important so long as you don’t have a Treasury.


Finally, the Throne Room allows you to discard useless Creatures. In the lower right corner, there is a trapdoor for sacking creatures. Drop a Creature there and confirm by pushing the lever next to it.




Only stored gold can be used for building, research, and hiring. Unfortunately, the amount of gold you can store in your Throne Room is very limited and the paths are long. Luckily gold can also be stored in a Treasury. Conveniently, you can put these wherever you want them, preferably near veins of gold!


The capacity of a Treasury is determined by the size of the room, that is, by the number of room tiles. Treasury capacity can also be expanded by means of scrolls.


Stored gold is only important to you. On a payday, your Creatures will also help themselves to piles of gold that are not stored, depending on which is closer.


Be mindful of heroes and don’t leave gold just lying around, as they will simply stuff it into their pockets – which, oddly enough, are never full. Gold that has been pocketed by a hero is lost to you!



Gobbler Farm

A Gobbler is not unlike a turkey, it makes a loud “Gobbllllle!” noise and pecks and runs madly back and forth in its Gobbler Farm. Gobblers are a valuable resource that you can collect and drop with your Hand of Terror. You can also strike them, but then these pitiful Creatures disappear in a large cloud of feathers with a last panicked cry of “GOOOOB. . .”.


Your total number of Gobblers will be shown in the resource display. Demons and Horde Creatures are happy to eat Gobblers to satisfy their hunger, and so they regularly visit the Gobbler Farm. Your Creatures are conveniently able to heal themselves by consuming these fast-running delicacies, although only by a small amount.


Luckily Gobblers are very easy to breed and they grow quickly, so you will constantly have new eggs and young Gobblers hatching and growing up. The size of the Gobbler Farm determines the maximum number of Gobblers you can have. If this maximum is reached, no new eggs will be produced. Both the maximum number and the rate of propagation can be improved with scrolls.




In the Workshop, industrious Little Snots make new toolboxes, provided a work unit and sufficient space to store the boxes is available. Toolboxes are essential for the manufacture of traps, doors or work units. They can also be upgraded to magical boxes in your Sinister Laboratory.


The number of free room tiles in a Workshop dictates the total number of boxes that can be stored in the room. You can use scrolls to increase the capacity per tile.


You can knock over a whole batch of toolboxes with your Hand of Terror. Why would anyone want to do that? Try it for yourself and watch your faithful, devoted, busy Little Snots as they tidy up the whole mess, and you won’t have to ask this question again.




In the Hideout, you can hire new Horde Creatures for gold. To do this you need to build a resting place so that the various Creatures of the Horde have different resting places at their disposal. As soon as a Little Snot has finished building a new resting place in the Hideout, the newly enlisted Horde Creature falls from above into the Hideout, picks itself up, and is ready for use.


At the same time, the personal resting place also serves as a home base for the Horde Creatures, a place where they can satisfy their need to rest. By the way, they will heal automatically.


Resting places are needed to recruit new creatures, but their construction always costs a Population Point. If you don’t have any Population Points available, then you can’t build any new resting places.




Beer is brewed in the Brewery, provided brewing kettles and enough free space are available. Orcs, Ironhides, and Nagas brew beer here tirelessly, while your industrious Little Snots pile the resulting kegs of beer into tall, unstable, wobbling stacks in the Brewery.


The number of free room tiles in a Brewery dictates the total number of beer kegs that can be stored in the room. Scrolls can be used to increase capacity, which leads to still taller stacks of beer kegs.


Beer satisfies the thirst requirements that Horde Creatures develop from Level 4. Beer consumption can also heal smaller wounds.


Beer can be used in the Dungeon as a sort of healing potion. Simply drop one or more beer kegs onto an injured Creature of the Horde. The Creature will be healed while enjoying a cool draught. Don’t forget, during a battle, there will be no time for drinking beer! Leaf research can dramatically improve healing!



Guard Room

Creatures of all factions can be dispatched to a Guard Room by the Hand of Terror to keep watch. They will leave the room to satisfy their needs, then return promptly. Guarding Creatures also cannot take on any other work, like building traps or brewing beer. The size of the room in tiles determines how many of your Creatures can keep watch there at the same time.


The Guard Room is mainly useful as a specific point in the Dungeon at which to hold off invading heroes. Ideally, this would be before they have advanced far enough into the Dungeon to destroy any resources or work units. A Guard Room is particularly effective when combined with traps.



Tinkerer’s Cave

In the Tinkerer’s Cave Goblins, Orcs, Gob-O-Bots, or Ironhides manufacture doors and traps as needed, provided a suitable work unit is available. If a door or trap is to be placed in the Dungeon, a work order must be created for it in the Tinkerer’s Cave.


So as not to reduce visibility, traps and doors in production are shown as transparent blueprints.


Note that free room tiles in the Tinkerer’s Cave have no use, as you cannot store any items here. However, more work units allow more Creatures to work in this room at the same time.


As soon as a trap or door is manufactured – it will look like a small, handy pyramid – a Little Snot will take it to the appropriate location in the Dungeon and set it up.


In the construction menu doors and traps are unlocked first, as soon as a Tinkerer’s Machinarium, at least, can be set up. In the same way, a Tinkerer’s Magic Machinarium is required for magical traps and doors!




A single Creature of any faction can train on each piece of training equipment in the Arena. Over time they will earn experience points and effortlessly level up without putting themselves in danger. Training equipment will be automatically placed on all free 2×2 room tiles in the Arena.


All Horde Creatures and Titan Units will try, as often as their various requirements and work as beer-brewers and trap- manufacturers permit, to train in the Arena. Training of Horde Creatures never costs you any gold.


You can encourage your Demons and Undead to train in the Arena by using the Hand of Terror to drop them into the room. They will then leave the Arena only to satisfy their needs (not to carry out other work) and will go straight back to the Arena afterwards. However the training – or rather the inspiring of Demons and Undead – does cost you gold. This will be deducted automatically over time as they train.




In the Vortex, you can hire new Demons with gold. To do this you need to build a portal, a different one for each Demon. As soon as a Little Snot finishes building the Demon’s portal in the Vortex, the relevant Demon will materialize at its portal.


Portals are needed to recruit new Creatures, but their construction always costs a Population Point. If you don’t have any Population Points available, then you can’t build any new portals.


A portal and the Demon summoned by it are bound together: If the Demon, after a certain amount of time he will dissolve and automatically rematerialize at his personal portal. If a Demon is dismissed, his personal portal will also disappear.


This means you can glance at the Vortex at any time and see how many and which units of Demons are currently serving in the Dungeon.




Your Demons will generate Mana in the Arcanium over time if a work unit and sufficient storage space are available in the room. Stored Mana appears as purple glowing balls of Mana in your Arcanium. The number of unassigned room tiles determines the amount of Mana that can be stored in your room.


Mana is mainly needed for spellcasting and for this reason alone you really can’t stockpile enough of it! You also need Mana to keep your higher-level Demon Creatures happy, as they need the substance for their regular Mana Baths in the Chamber of Relaxation.


Mana also allows toolboxes to be upgraded to magical boxes. With these, you can make improved versions of all work units, doors, and traps.



Chamber of Relaxation

When you build a Chamber of Relaxation, Mana Baths will automatically be installed on all free 2×2 room tiles. Then all your Demons can enjoy a relaxing bath and satisfy their need for Mana, which they will develop from Level 4.


Mana Baths are automatically topped up with fresh Mana from your Arcanium by your Little Snots, which is necessary when bathing a Demon.


The greater the room efficiency of your Chamber of Relaxation, the shorter time your Demons will need to spend in the bath.


In the outside world, incidentally, your Demons will need Mana directly from the Arcanium and not from Mana Baths.



Lecture Hall

You will need a Lecture Hall big enough to study and use leaf research (scrolls).


While nodal research will be immediately unlocked under the Research menu, the sub-researches – the so-called scrolls – have first to be studied in a study booth in the Lecture Hall. Study booths require 2×2 room tiles and will be constructed automatically. Only one single scroll can be actively studied at each study booth.


A scroll can be studied automatically, but it does take time. How much time depends on the complexity of the scroll and the room efficiency of your Lecture Hall.


When research in a study booth is complete, the effects of the scroll will become available immediately – but each study booth can only store a certain number of scrolls. Once this number is reached, the study booth in question will become inactive and you will have to expand the Lecture Hall in order to study additional scrolls.



Torture Chamber

The Torture Chamber is both a room of torment and the residence of the Succubi. From this room, the agonized screams of tormented heroes blend with the pleasant squeaks of the Little Snots and the eager moans of your Succubi.


2×2 free room tiles will automatically be equipped with various implements of torture, on which you can drape unconscious or captive heroes from your prison using the Hand of Terror. If none of your Succubi have time, the poor fellow will just dangle uselessly from the torture implement. But as soon as a Succubus sets to work, the pitiable hero will be tortured until he either breathes his last or accepts the errors in the teachings of Good, comes over to the side of Evil, and becomes a Dark Hero – whichever comes first. . .


In the same way, you can also have Little Snots tormented on a spare torture implement. The rest of the Little Snots will work much faster during the torture – would-be supervillains call this staff motivation.


The torture of heroes will also, over time, generate more Evilness for you.


Converted Dark Heroes, like all Creatures, cost a Population Point, drink beer and eat Gobblers. When they die they can be reanimated in the Crypt.




In the Graveyard, you can hire new Undead Creatures with gold. To do this you need to build a grave – a different one for each Undead. As soon as a Little Snot finishes building a grave for the Undead in the Graveyard, the newly hired Undead will dig its way out of its grave and be ready for use.


Dead heroes are taken to the Graveyard by Little Snots, so long as there are free tiles and you have Population Points. The hero will automatically rise as a Zombie sometime later and wander aimlessly around the Graveyard. Zombies are group units: They have no needs and can only be commanded as a whole, for example when held by the Hand of Terror. They also only require partial Population Points. The number of Zombies per Population Point can be increased with scrolls.




As soon as you have a Crypt, your fallen Horde Creatures or Dark Heroes will no longer be permanently lost, but can instead be chilled and stored on free room tiles in the Crypt.


Not only that, but you can bring them back to life at the work units of the Crypt – thanks to the so-called De -Bri-Mat.


At each De -Bri-Mat, one Undead can work on the reanimation of the Horde corpse or Dark Hero cryogenically stored within. Magical improvements to De -Bri-Mats are completely automatic.


Little Snots will independently bring dead Horde Creatures from the battlefield to the next free De -Bri-Mat or stow them in ranks, suspended on the free, well-chilled room tiles of the Crypt. Of course, you can also transport a dead Horde Creature yourself from its grave to a free De -Bri-Mat using the Hand of Terror if you wish.



Sinister Laboratory

In the Sinister Laboratory, your Undead manufacture magic toolboxes, provided a work unit and sufficient storage space for the finished magic toolboxes are available.


Magic toolboxes are created by combining normal toolboxes and demonic Mana. The work unit that accomplishes this marvel calls itself a Mysticator. Little Snots ll the Mystificator to its full capacity with toolboxes and Mana entirely independently. You can of course save your Little Snots a lot of work by doing this yourself with the Hand of Terror.


Magic toolboxes permit you to use improved versions of all your work units, doors, and traps in your Dungeon. Therefore you will never own as many magic toolboxes as you would like.


The number of free room tiles in the Sinister Laboratory determines how many magic toolboxes can be stored in the room. Magic toolboxes look just like toolboxes stacked in very dangerous, enormous box stacks.




Once you have built a Prison in your Dungeon, your Little Snots will drag defeated, unconscious heroes there and lock them in. Firstly the Prison enables you to torture and especially to convert heroes in the Torture Chamber.


Imprisoned heroes slowly starve in Prison, on account of poor culinary support service from their Creatures, and slowly lose vitality. At the same time, a little bit of Evilness trickles into the Absolute Evil’s supplies.


If a hero starves to death entirely in Prison, then he will rise again as a Skeleton, henceforth supporting the side of Evil in battle. Naturally, this only happens if you have some Population Points available. Skeletons are group units: They have no needs and can only be commanded as a whole, for example when held by the Hand of Terror. They also only require partial Population Points. The number of Skeletons per Population Point can be increased with scrolls.


A working Prison occupies at least 3×3 room tiles. Only the innermost room tile is available for prisoners.


Heroes cannot escape from Prison by themselves but can be freed by other heroes to fight against you once more.




Undead Creatures glorify the Absolute Evil in the Temple. In actual fact, from Level 7 on, this is a necessity for them – they attend regularly as they wish.


If the temple has an area of at least 5×5 room tiles, it will automatically be provided with a Sacrificial Pit. This can be used to dispose of heroes, obnoxious Creatures, and all manner of other bric-a-brac. The sacrifice of living heroes is naturally a sufficiently evil deed to earn you Evilness. If provided with enough sacrifices, the Absolute Evil will materialize and sweep opponents in the Dungeon from its path.


Additionally, the sacrifice of particular combinations of items and beings can earn the favor of the Absolute Evil, which earns rewards.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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