EA FC 24: How to Turn Off Controller Audio - Magic Game World

EA FC 24: How to Turn Off Controller Audio

EA FC 24: How to Turn Off Controller Audio

So, you’re locked into EA FC 24, and that controller is buzzing up a storm in your hands, huh? Alright, EA FC fans, let’s dig into the details of killing that controller audio in EA FC 24. Sometimes, that audio feedback just doesnโ€™t hit right, or maybe you’re rolling through a late-night gaming spree and don’t want to shake up the whole house. No matter the reason, I got your back. Letโ€™s jump straight in!


Starting Point – Welcome Home: You know the comfy home page you land on when you boot up EA FC 24? Thatโ€™s our starting line.


Hit Up Standard Settings: Next, push left on your controller. Youโ€™ll see the standard settings cog icon. It’s the place where all your basic tweaks are made, your first step into customizing the gameplay to your vibe…


Get into Settings: From the standard settings, click on “settings”. This is where the game transforms, where you get to decide how your game feels and responds…


Slide to โ€˜Game Settingsโ€™: Now, move on to “game settings”. There’s a load of options here to play around with when youโ€™ve got a moment, so give them a look!


Roll into โ€˜Audioโ€™: In game settings, press R1 or RB, and voila, youโ€™re in the audio settings. This is your sound control room, from the crowd going wild to the thud of the ball.


Find โ€˜Controller Audio Volumeโ€™: Keep scrolling in the audio settings till you reach the end. “Controller audio volume”? That’s your spot!


Silence it!: Take that volume slider all the way to zero! Boom, no more buzzing from your controller.


Wrap it Up: Press back, and youโ€™re all set! Your new, quieter settings are saved, and now you can roll through your game without any extra buzz getting in your way!!


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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