EA Sports FC 24: How to Score a Top Spin Free Kick - Magic Game World

EA Sports FC 24: How to Score a Top Spin Free Kick


Yo, what’s poppin’, FC 24 fam? If you’re lookin’ to up your game and drop some wicked free kicks on your buddies you’ve hit the right spot… We’re about to break it all down, the FC 24 way.



So, What’s a Top Spin Free Kick??

First things first, gotta know the basics, right? So, the top spin free kick – or as some call it, the “dipper” – is when you hit that ball so sweet, it rises over the wall of players and then dips down real fast, leaving the keeper just starin’. If done right, it’s a thing of beauty; this ain’t no random trick shot, it’s a mastered art. Think of football legends like Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi; these dudes nail this technique on the regular.



Alright, Alright, So How Do I Do It in FC 24?

  • Pick Your Star: First things first, don’t just go with any ol’ player. Make sure you pick someone with high free-kick stats. I’m talking high accuracy, swerve, and all that good stuff. If your player’s stats are trash, your kick’s gonna be trash too, no cap.


  • Location, Location, Location: You’ve got your star player. Now, get into that sweet spot. For a top spin free kick, you wanna be around 20-30 yards from the goal. Too close and you won’t have enough room to get it over the wall; Too far & you’re just making life hard for yourself…


  • Eye on the Prize: Aim towards the top corner of the goal, right above the crossbar. Don’t go for the moon; just slightly above the crossbar will do. You’re not trying to shoot a field goal in American football, after all.


  • Let It rip: Hold down that shot button. For my Xbox players, that’s ‘B‘, and for the PlayStation crew, it’s ‘O‘. Get about 2-2.5 bars of power. You gotta feel it, bro. Once you’ve got the power locked in, flick that right stick UP and then DOWN. Let that ball fly and watch as it leaves everyone on the pitch absolutely gobsmacked.


  • Bask in the Glory (or Try Again): If you did it right, that ball’s nestled nicely in the back of the net, and you’re probably getting mad props. If not? No sweat, fam. Practice makes perfect. Run it back & try again…


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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