EA Sports WRC: How to Adjust Camera FOV - Magic Game World

EA Sports WRC: How to Adjust Camera FOV

EA Sports WRC: How to Adjust Camera FOV

What’s FOV? So FOV is short for “Field of View” it’s like the width of your visual buffet in-game. A wide FOV means you’re seeing more of the racetrack like it’s on a widescreen. Think epic panoramic views… A narrow FOV? That’s like peeping through a keyhole: focused but kinda limiting.


Why Adjust It? Messing with your FOV can make your game feel fresh. Go wide & the world stretches out – might make your car feel slower though. Go narrow & things get up close & intense, but you’ll be missing out on what’s happening in your side-view.



Tweaking Your FOV in WRC

  • Kick things off at the main menu where all the good stuff happens.


  • Look for Options & Extras this is your gateway to customization.


  • Xbox gang hit X PlayStation players your key’s Square & if you’re rocking a keyboard, give F1 a tap.


  • Dive into Game Preferences: Right there in the options is where you take control.


  • You’ll see sliders for your headcam & external camera FOV… slide left for less world, right for more.


  • Caught mid-race & feeling off?? Hit pause & you can adjust on the fly – just like you’re in the pits.


  • Don’t settle on the first try. Test those settings out & if they ain’t perfect – you know the drill, tweak ’em again.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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