EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 5 - Weapon Specifics - Magic Game World

EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 5 – Weapon Specifics

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Weapon Specifics

Some things that might be good to know:


  • All weapons except lasers have travel time. This means you sometimes have to lead your target to hit. The stat Shot speed shows you how fast the projectiles will travel. Some weapon also have damage drop off, noted in stats as xx~xx on the damage stat.


  • Hitboxes are quite tight, your projectile have to hit properly. For example its very possible to for example have a rocket miss because it went between the enemies legs. Jumping/flying up and shooting slightly downward can help with this.


  • Explosions can ragdoll you and your teammates, sending you flying, sometimes halfway across the map. Friendly explosives will only ragdoll you on Hardest and Inferno difficulties, but your own explosives can always ragdoll you.


  • Friendly fire is always on. The difficulty dictates how much damage it does with Easy at 10%, Normal at 25%, hard at 50%, Hardest at 75% and Inferno at 100%.


  • When using explosive weapons against a horde of enemies, try not to hit the closest enemy. Ideally you want the explosion to happen in the middle of the horde to inflict maximum damage. Again Jumping up and shooting downwards can help with this.


  • Enough damage will make the enemy flinch. This will interrupt what theyre currently doing playing a flinching animation before they can resume shooting/biting/whatever. This can allow you to fight enemies like the frogs or cosmonauts in close combat without taking any damage. A shotgun or a fast CC weapon like the fencer jackhammer can keep the enemy flinching over and over again.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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