Eastshade Cheat Codes - Magic Game World

Eastshade Cheat Codes

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PC Console Commands

While playing the game, Press tilde ~ (the key above TAB) (Backslash or tilde or ö. Depending on your keyboard layout.) to display the console window. Note: When opening the console for the first time you will warn you that you will not receive any (new) achievements if you decide to use the console.


In the syntax of the console commands the following parameters/variables are used:


= a name, to be entered without the brackets and quotes


# = a number, when not used may default to 1, when placed between square brackets the parameter is optional and should be entered without brackets.



Console Commands


Adds inspiration(s), visible in the bottom right of the screen when the HUD is up.

Syntax: AddInspiration #

# = number of inspirations to add

Using this command without several inspirations or with # = 1 seems to not affect.




Inventory will be completely emptied and all items in inventory will be removed.


Syntax: ClearInventory




Remove one or more items from inventory. The items are not actually dropped to the ground, but completely removed from inventory, so you cannot pick the items up again. A list of all items that may be in inventory at some point can be found at the end of this guide.


Syntax: DropItem [#]

= an item from the players inventory (see list at the end of this guide)

# = the number of that specific item (optional, defaults to 1)



DropItem ReedBoat

DropItem Scragweed 10




Will end a conversation with an NPC.


Syntax: EndConversation




Using this command will end all storms.


Syntax: EndStorm




This command allows you to fly. See also SmoothFly.


Syntax: Fly #

# = 0 – fly mode disabled (default)

# = 1 – fly mode enabled




Enables or disables fog.


Syntax: Fog #

# = 0 – disables fog

# = 1 – enables fog




Using this command will let you have an NPC follow you. When you are within the interaction range of an NPC that NPC will follow you around. When you are out of the interaction range of any NPC a random NPC will start following you.


Syntax: FollowMe




Despite the name of this command, it does not freeze time but sets time back to normal (default).


Syntax: FreezeTime




Retrieve the value of a boolean variable (True or False).


Syntax: GetBool

where can be any of the following parameters:

met_alejo, met_cartographer, met_clara, met_driver, met_fisher, met_forest_bard, met_grandpa_dee, met_mishka, met_mother, met_ranya




Adds 50 samples of each retrievable item to inventory. See the list of items at the end of this guide. This command will not add extra samples of Mudwillow’s Tincture, Water, or Glowstones. Items will be added to the items already in inventory.




Adds one or more items to inventory. This command will not add an extra sample of Mudwillow’s Tincture or Water. You will not be able to add extra samples of Mudwillow’s Tincture or Water.


Syntax: GiveItem [#]

= the name of the item (see list at the end of this guide)

[#] = number of items, defaults to 1



GiveItem ReedBoat

GiveItem Glowstones 500




Displays a message with several boolean tokens that are currently registered in the following format: “There are currently # bool tokens registered”.




Sets the field of view (FOV).


Syntax: SetFoV #

# = any number, preferably between 60 and 120

Higher values distort the view, lower values may narrow the view (too much).




Sets the time.


Syntax: SetTime #.#(##)

#.### = a value from 0.000 to 0.999 representing the the time between 12.00 AM and 11.59 PM.

#.# = 0.0 sets the time to 12.00 AM

#.# = 0.5 sets the time to 12.00 PM




Use this command to determine how fast time passes away.


Syntax: SetTimeScale #


The default time scale is 5. Setting it to 10 will have time passes away twice as fast. Setting the time scale to 1 is not advised as it may CTD your game.




This seems to be the same command as GetBool, at least it has the same effect. See GetBool.




Enable or disable the debug Heads-Up Display. The debug HUD is displayed in the top left corner of the screen.


Syntax: ShowDebugHud #

# = 0 – debug HUD disabled (default)

# = 1 – debug HUD enabled


In the debug HUD the following is displayed (from top to bottom):


FPS: ##.##

Game Days Played: ##.###

Day Time: #.###

Selected Button: null


Enable or disable the Heads-Up Display.


Syntax: ShowHud #

# = 0 – disable the HUD

# = 1 – enable the HUD (default)




When in fly mode, flying is smooth.


Syntax: SmoothFly #

# = 0 – smooth flying disabled (default)

# = 1 – smooth fly mode




Set smooth fly speed when in fly mode.


Syntax: SmoothFlySpeed #

# = 0 – disable smooth fly speed

# = 1 – enable smooth fly speed




Enables or disables smooth walking.


Syntax: SmoothWalk #

# = 0 – disables smooth walking

# = 1 – enables smooth walking




Enables you to unlock a locked door when the lock icon is visible.


Syntax: UnlockDoor


Use of this command is quite useless because any door with a lock that you open will be empty.



List of Items

Between brackets you will see the name of the items as it appears in inventory, but only when in inventory a single quote is used. In other cases, spaces may be used.


AirBalloonPoster, Amulet, AncientBrews, AysunsRing (Aysun’s Ring), Scragweed, Bicycle, BlackThistle, BloomsacTea, BlueDreamTea, Boards, Coat, CuriousNote, DrymouthedSandfish, EarthrootTea, ElixirofLife, EmptyVial, Fabric, Feather, FirePit, FishoftheFellstreamRiver, FishingPole, FooxitarEggs, HeavyReeds, HotSpringSample, HydraThistle, InkyCap, KaisHydrathistle (Kai’s Hydrathistle), KaisHydrathistleAnalysis (Kai’s Hydrathistle Analysis), LetterofReference, LockedBox, LyndowianBrew, Map, MeadowspiceMead, Mountainwort, MountainwortTea, MysteryBlend, NetherleafTea, ShadianPostElixir, ShadianPostPotionSeller, ShadianPostTeaSeason, OldPops (Old Pops), Pastries, Raft, RedDreamTea, ReedBoat, Repellent, Roots, Rope, ScragweedTea, Sealant, SishaTea, NorthSeasShippingMessage, SilverDreamTea, ClassicShadianTeas, SinkwoodInnKey, Soap, Stick, TeaKettle, Tent, ThunderTrout, TiemsAntidote (Tiem’s Antidote), ToxicTuber, Twine, UltramarineMinnow, Wax, WhiteBloomsac, ZipTrolley.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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