eFootball PES 2020 – Training with Duplicate Players
This is probably the best way to max out a player you really like.
Duplicates get 3x the base experience when used to train each other, so you’re giving your player a significant boost. Since they share traits, this also increases the odds of a high multiplier (as explained earlier).
How do you get duplicates? You can either spin a lot of Agents or continually scout, train, and convert players into trainers. The latter is common but time-consuming.
Note: You can’t scout a player already in your squad. Convert them into trainers first to scout new ones.
Example: To train Naldo, scout him, level him to 10/20 (for higher base-EXP), convert him into a trainer, and repeat. Once you have enough Naldos, scout him one last time and train him using all your trainers.
Tip: Featured players differ from regular ones. Use regular duplicates to max out featured players.
If you have millions of GP/coins, spin Agents and reset the box after getting your target player to try again.