Empire Earth 3 Cheats
Articles, Misc. Guides /
21 Jan 2018
Press [ENTER] while playing to bring up the console, then type any of the following cheat codes followed by [ENTER].
PC Cheat Codes
Code – Effect
- icheat: Cheats Enabled
- idontcheat: Cheats Disabled
- loot: All Resources increased by 10,000
- taxes: Resources decreased by 100
- punish: Selected unit damaged by 20 points
- convert: Selected unit converted to your side
- recharge me: Selected unit recharged to 100 power
- win: Win the scenario
- toggle fog: Toggle fog of war ON/OFF
- sea monkeys: Toggle instant build
- era up: Advance an epoch without meeting any of the requirements
- max pop: Toggle max pop capacity
- give tech: Tech points increased by 50
- play god: Toggle God Mode
- super cheat: Coffers overflowed, instant build enabled, pop cap maxed, and fog turned off
- cheat cheathor: Cheat Cheathor, arch-rival and nemesis of Super Cheat
- cheatonite: Could this be the end of Super Cheat