Endless Legend - Useful Tips & Tricks - Magic Game World

Endless Legend – Useful Tips & Tricks

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Useful Tips & Tricks

  • Explore a lot to scout nice areas to colonize.


  • Building a city on anomalies can yield approval bonuses along with the other anomaly bonuses.


  • Consider using specific heroes and city locations to specialize some cities (for example, a city in a forest with lots of industry combined with a wild walker hero governor with industry boost and industry artifact or a city with lots of science and a vaulter or ardent mage hero governor and a science artifact) get to know your heroes there are interesting differences between them.


  • Expand as much as possible while keeping disapproval manageable.


  • Remember, the population is power.


  • Retrofit obsolete armies and equip the best gear possible.


  • Faction quests are fun; they reveal game lore and give you very useful buildings and items or heroes. But when doing them, keep an eye on your empire management priorities.


  • When producing settlers, no food is produced, so you can move all the food workers to industry to produce them faster. Equip movement enhancing gear on settlers for faster colonization. Clear the region of hostiles before colonizing, pacify villages. Have your settler army unit as a separate army from your scouting army. If an army gets into a battle, be sure to uncheck the settler unit from reinforcements otherwise, it will enter combat and commit kamikaze suicide!


  • A city borough also serves as an extractor if located on a resource.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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