Fabledom PC Keyboard and Mouse Controls - Magic Game World

Fabledom PC Keyboard and Mouse Controls

Fabledom Lake

There are plenty of high-stress, strategically-minded city-building games these days. If that’s your thing, you should be well served by just browsing Steam. However, if you would rather play a laid-back, colorful city-building game, Grenaa Games has you covered.


Their new Early Access game, Fabledom, is just that. As the leader of a sleepy village in a fairy tale world, you will grow a settlement from the ground up, engage in diplomacy with your neighbors, and find a prince or princess to bring your tale to a happy ending.


Fabledom features all of the resource collecting, citizen managing, and structure building you would find in a typical game in the genre, but streamlines the process to make it more accessible and intuitive. However, you’ll still need to know how to navigate the game’s UI, and what the primary controls are.


Instead of pulling up the controls screen every time you need a refresher, you could use our Fabledom keyboard and mouse control guide to stay on top of all of the buttons you need to make your playthrough go smoothly. You could take notes and keep them with you, or you can just leave this guide open while you play. Either way, we hope this helps you as you build the fairy tale village of your dreams!



All PC Settings



Keyboard Shortcuts and Hotkeys


  • Camera Up: W


  • Camera Left: A


  • Camera Down: S


  • Camera Right: D


  • Camera Speed: Spacebar


  • Camera Rotate: Middle Mouse Button


  • Rotate Camera Left: Q


  • Rotate Camera Right: E


  • Camera Down: Z


  • Rotate Camera Up: C




  • Rotate Object: R


  • Place Several: Left Shift




  • Set 0x Speed: F4


  • Set 1x Speed: F1


  • Set 2x Speed: F2


  • Set 3x Speed: F3




  • Pause/Cancel: Escape


  • Construction Menu: B


  • Overview Menu: O


  • World Map: M


  • Territories: T


  • Demolition Tool: V



Build Category Tabs

  • Basic: 1


  • Food Production: 2


  • Resource Production: 3


  • Essential: 4


  • Amenities: 5


  • Military: 6


  • Fortifications: 7


  • Decorations: 8


  • Courting: 9


  • All: 0


  • 1 16

    Mike has been playing video games since he was able to hold a controller, having been fascinated by Sonic 2 on his mom’s Sega Genesis. That fascination and passion for the art form has grown exponentially nearly 30 years later, and he doesn’t see that fading away anytime soon.

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