Far Cry 5 – All Vinyl Crate Locations Guide
/Forget prepper stashes, we’re hunting for something way more valuable in Far Cry 5: Vinyl crates, because nothing says “resistance fighter” like blowing up Peggies to the sweet sounds of a record skipping… probably from all the explosions.
All Vinyl Crate Locations
- Red Tail Cabin – East of the Wolf’s Den, in the center of the region. Look inside the cabin. The crate is on top of the sideboard.
- MCA Mobile Lab – East of Baron Lumber Mill. The crate is next to the tent.
- Dansky Cabin – Base of a mountain, northwest of Langford Lake. The crate is on the porch just left of the front door.
- Hunter’s Pass Shelter – Next to the lake southwest of PIN-K0 Radar Station. The crate is inside the shelter.
- North Park – West of the F.A.N.G. Center and across the bridge. Find the park entrance and look for a building next to the road. The crate is inside.
- Linero Building Supplies – Northwest of Fort Drubman, west side of the lake. Look for the office near the water tower. The crate is inside.
- Widow’s Creek – South of Widow’s Creek, entrance to South Park. The crate is in the office that is on the left side of the entrance, across the street from the Fast Travel point.
- Osprey Cabin – Well hidden cabin. Head north from the ‘n’ in Langford Lake on the map, or south from Wolf’s Den. There is a shack near the foot of the canyon on the mountainside north of the lake. The crate is inside.
- The Grill Streak – South of F.A.N.G. Center. Look for an orange and gray tent under the outdoor Pavillon. The crate is right in front of it.
- Breakthrough Camp – South end of the region, south of the Moccasin River, and northwest of Silver Lake. Look for a cultists encampment. The building with the crate has a red sign above it that says Gookooko’oo Lodge. The crate is next to a radio.