Far Cry 5: Lost on Mars PC Controls
Articles, Far Cry, Game Controls & Hotkeys /
15 Nov 2018
Mouse and Keyboard controls for the PC version of Far Cry 5 are as follows:
Ground Controls
- Forward: W
- Backward: S
- Left: A
- Right: D
- Shoot: Left Mouse Button
- Aim: Right Mouse Button
- Sprint / Hold Breath: Shift
- Previous Weapon: X
- Throw: Mouse Wheel Button
- Jump: Space Bar
- Use Medkit: Ctrl
- Reload: R
- Crouch: C
- Slide (While Running): C
- Melee / Takedown / Move Body: F
- Interact: E
- Look: Mouse Movement
- Menu: ESC
- Map: M
- Fishing Rod: Y
- Repair Torch: 9
- Command First Ally: G
- Command Second Ally: H
- Weapon Slots: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
- Throwables Slots: 6 / 7 / 8
- Change Ammo Type: U
- Change Fire Mode: V
- Hide / Show Weapon: N
- Binoculars: Z
- Inventory: I
- Voice Chat: B
- Journal: J
Land & Water Vehicle Controls
- Accelerate: W
- Brake: S
- Steer Left: A
- Steer Right: D
- Hand Brake / Lean Out / Lean In: Space Bar
- Auto Drive: Shift
- Horn: F
- Change Seat: C
- Enter / Exit: E
- Radio On / Off: [
- Radio Next Song: ]
- Cycle Vehicle Weapons: X
Plane Controls
- Pitch Back: S
- Pitch Forward: W
- Yaw / Roll Left: A
- Yaw / Roll Right: D
- Accelerate: Space Bar
- Decelerate: C
- Enter / Exit: E
- Toggle Bomberview: Shift
- Machine Gun / Drop Bomb: Left Mouse Button
- Rockets: Right Mouse Button
- Cycle Weapons: X
Helicopter Controls
- Accelerate: W
- Move Backward: S
- Steer Left: A
- Steer Right: D
- Ascend: Space Bar
- Descend: C
- Enter / Exit: E
- Shoot Machinegun: Left Mouse Button
- Rockets: F
- Cycle Weapons: X