Far Cry New Dawn PS4 Cheats - Magic Game World

Far Cry New Dawn PS4 Cheats

Far Cry New Dawn PS4 Cheats

Where to Find Sam Fisher Outfit

Paladin’s Secret Achievement / Trophy Guide

Government Plane Wreck is the fifth expedition. The starting location is randomized. Look for a rusted plane wreck (has a brown color tone). It’s the body of the plane and still has two wings on it. There’s also a blue ladder leading up inside the wreck.


1 19


Enter the plane wreck. Interact with the Laptop on the ground level, it’s next to the only enemy on the ground level. This opens a secret vault upstairs. Go to the upper level of the plane wreck where 1-2 enemies are standing and interact with the vault door at the end of the room. The secret Sam Fisher Outfit is behind that door.



Hidden Treasure Locations

Treasure 1

From Ehom Bear Tolls is the first Hidden treasure mission in Far Cry: New Dawn. You learn about this stash in Prosperity after you leave the main building. Its location is marked on the map below:


1 29


You will find an abandoned church. There are three bandits inside – one of them patrols the terrains around the cages, the other two are standing on the rooftop. You shouldn’t have problems with eliminating them. Read the note lying on the small stall in front of the church.


You learn that a bear has the key to the stash. You need to summon the animal. Reach the bell tower and either shoot or hit the bell.


The bear is a tough opponent. A single hit will deplete about 1/3 of your health bar. However, the animal will need to get closer to you first. Keep a safe distance to avoid damage. Sprint and turn around from time to time to shoot at the bear. If you just walk backward, the bear will be able to catch you.


Kill the bear and take the key to the stash. The treasure is inside the hole behind the church. You will find components, duct tape, perk points, and a journal.



Treasure 2

In one of the captured outposts, an NPC will inform you about a mysterious place with flashes. The person will also warn you about the possible danger of going there. This place is marked on the map below:


2 11


A sniper rifle is very useful in this mission.


After reaching that place, you will find a peculiar machine emitting lightning bolts right where the bunker’s entrance is. You will encounter four bandits. Three of them are standing near the generator. The fourth one, equipped with a sniper rifle, stands on the nearby rooftop. If you have a sniper rifle, shoot the enemy standing on the roof first. If you don’t have a long-range weapon, stand outside the sniper’s range and eliminate the bandits near the machine.


Once the bandits are dead, read the note lying on the chest near the machine. This will start the mission. The second note is near the door to the house. You learn that the door is shut from the inside – you can see the padlock through the grates on the rooftop. You shouldn’t have problems getting inside – the building is very short.


2 12


Get on the building’s rooftop. Crouch near the grate and look at the door. Shoot the padlock. Use a sniper rifle to have a better look at the target.


The door is now open. Inside the room you will find a lever that deactivates the machine. Go inside the bunker. Collect components, duct tape, perk points, and an audio journal. If you have Repair Torch perk, you will be able to collect titan.



Treasure 3

Wymyslna Sztuka is one of the missions in Far Cry: New Dawn where you look for Hidden treasures. This one is closely related to bandits. You need to get inside their guarded warehouse. Its location is marked on the map below:


2 13


This mission requires you to own Grapple perk.


There are only two bandits outside the barn. One of them is drawing on a wreck. The second is patrolling the area near the entrance. You shouldn’t have problems with eliminating them.


Once the bandits are dead, reach the back of the building. You will find a tower. Climb it by using the Grapple. There is a rope at the top of it that will help you reach the barn’s upper floor.


Once you are inside, crouch and enter the low corridor. Jump down and turn both valves located on the same floor. One of them opens the barn’s door, the other moves one of the cars. This will allow you to jump to the opposite side of the floor. Find another valve – it will move the car that is blocking the passage. You can now enter the stash and collect all resources.



Treasure 4 

Riddle Me Fish is one of the hidden treasures in Far Cry: New Dawn. Just like with the previous missions of this type, you can learn about this one in Prosperity, in one of the captured outposts, or while you are exploring the world. The exact location of the mission is presented in the picture below:


3 4


Reach the place and collect the note that starts this mission. Enter the property and go further – you will see a burning bandit running out of a small barn. This is the only enemy in this area.

Defeat the bandit and then enter the barn. You find a manhole that leads to some kind of basement. There, you will find a small room with another note. From here, you can access a corridor that leads to the stash. To open the door, you have to activate the fish in the correct order. If you make a mistake, the room will get filled with fire. The correct order is – 2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5.


The door is open – go inside and collect resources, ammo and perk points.



Treasure 5

Light ‘Em Up is one of the hidden treasures in Far Cry: New Dawn. Just like with the previous missions of this type, you can learn about this one in Prosperity, in one of the captured outposts, or while you are exploring the world. The exact location of the mission is presented in the picture below:


2 14


Reach the place and eliminate all bandits. There are three of them. One bandit is standing a few meters away from the other to – you shouldn’t have problems with eliminating him with a stealth kill. The other two bandits are in the back of the building.


Enter the building to locate a Wolverine’s lair. Go through the building. The animal is in a locked part of the building. Leave and set the building on fire – use a Molotov cocktail.


The locked part of the building is now open. Go there and find the Wolverine. If it didn’t die due to the flames, shoot it to get Highwayman Shed Key. Use the item to open the barn near the building. Inside, you will find resources, ammo and perk points.



Treasure 6 

Target Practice is one of the hidden treasures in Far Cry: New Dawn. This mission takes place in Nadine’s Junkyard. The exact location of the mission is presented in the picture below. You can learn about this stash in Prosperity, in one of the captured outposts, or while you are exploring the world.


2 15


The place is guarded by two bandits. Eliminate them and then interact with the note. Reach the place where the sliding rope ends. You will find an opening. Go inside and then climb up the stairs. You find a large machine. The note explaining the method of opening the door is next to it. Activate the machine and then shoot the targets. The picture below shows the order in which they will activate:


1 30

2 16

3 5


Shoot all targets. After that, enter the stash to collect resources, ammo and perk points. Watch out – the exit is guarded by two bandits. They are standing with their backs turned towards you – a perfect chance for a stealth kill.



Treasure 7

Go With The Flow is one of the hidden treasures in Far Cry: New Dawn. The exact location of the mission is presented in the picture below. This location is hard to find. You can learn about this stash in Prosperity, in one of the captured outposts, or while you are exploring the world.


1 31


The note starting this mission is in a mountain cave. Watch out for the wolves roaming this area. Slide down the rope to the opposite shore of the river. You will find the keyto the stash.


To find the stash, follow the white flags. They are placed along the river. On your way, you will encounter a bear and a small group of bandits. You shouldn’t have problems with defeating them.


The stash is in the cavity right behind the waterfall. Avoid receiving fall damage by using the grappling hook on the nearby rock. The stash contains resources, ammo and perk points.



All Monstrous Animal Locations

There are four types of Monstrous Animals in Far Cry New Dawn. They are the Bison, Boar, Cougar and Bear. They respawn in these areas that I show and you need the skin to craft elite weapons. You can also trade the skins for very valuable resources such as circuit boards and carbon fiber.


You also need to collect the skin off each of these Monstrous Animals in order to get the “Master Skinner” achievement / trophy. Killing one of these Monstrous Animals will also reward you with the “Kill or Be Killed” achievement/trophy.



Monstrous Bison

1 20

2 6

3 1



Monstrous Boar






Monstrous Cougar






Monstrous Bear






All Dear Photograph Locations

There are a total of nine Photos that you need to match to a place of interest in Far Cry New Dawn. Matching all nine of them will complete the side quest “A Thousand Words” and reward you with an achievement/trophy – “Before”. You also get a skill point for each photo you match up.


You can get all but the final photograph by Joseph’s Sanctuary at the very start of the game. The final photograph will only be accessible after completing Act #2.


None of the Photos are missable and you can get them all even after finishing the main story.



Photo #1

1 21

2 7



Photo #2

3 2

4 1



Photo #3

5 1

6 1



Photo #4

7 1

8 1



Photo #5

8 2

9 1



Photo #6

11 1

12 1



Photo #7

13 1




Photo #8





Photo #9




  • 1 5

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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