Fell Seal: Arbiter’s Mark – Items
Items in Fell Seal: Arbiter‘s Mark work a bit differently than they do in many other games. Although Items have a limited amount of uses per battle, they automatically restock after every battle, so you should feel free to use them frequently without fear of running out. While you cannot purchase Items, you can increase the number of per-battle uses, potency, and different types available via Crafting.
Your entire stock of Items is accessible by all of your characters.
General Item Usage Tips:
• Items are particularly useful early in the game before your healers have had a chance to get stronger, so don‘t neglect them if you‘re having trouble!
• Items like Potions and Remedies can be used on adjacent characters, so they can really save someone‘s life if your dedicated healer is unable to help them in time.
• Rocks and other thrown Items are great for close-range fighters who can‘t yet manage to get in range of an enemy. These Items also never miss, so they are extremely effective against targets with high Evasion (EVA). Similarly, they ignore units‘ Defense (DEF) stat, so they‘re great against high-Defense targets, like Pektite Monsters.