FIFA 20 - How and When to Tackle - Magic Game World

FIFA 20 – How and When to Tackle

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How and When to Tackle

In FIFA 20 you can still power up tackles and slide tackles similar to shooting. There are four main parts to tackling,


1. Lunging, 2. Push and pull, 3. The tackle, 4. The slide tackle.


If there is a gap between you and the player with the ball pressing tackle will actually make your player lunge at them with his leg. This is best when in front of a player running at you or if you are running towards the player from an angle and quite close. Make sure if further away to hold down tackle button before releasing. When too much of a gap or you don’t press long enough your player will lunge at space and his leg will be stuck out meaning you can’t control him quickly again. Sometimes players do this themselves if you aren’t controlling them and it makes it easier for attackers to run round them.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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