FIFA 20 - Tips & Tricks to Make you a Better Player - Magic Game World

FIFA 20 – Tips & Tricks to Make you a Better Player

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Tips & Tricks to Make you a Better Player

When playing online, watch your opponent. There’s something to be said for researching and studying your opponent, because focusing solely on what you’re doing is a surefire way to get roundly beaten in an online match. Does your opponent constantly play down the wings? Does your nemesis always play the ball short from the keeper? Watching for these traits as a match progresses means you can predict what they’re going to do. Sure, you can’t win them all, but don’t ignore what the person you are playing is doing, because they sure as hell are watching you!




Control your goalkeeper. If you hold the right stick down you can move the goalkeeper left or right depending on where you think your opponent is going to shoot. It’s a risk, but if you move your keeper to the right side you have a better chance of saving the shot. You have to get into your opponent’s head.


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Long. Distance. Finesse. Seriously, long distance finesse shots are insanely good. Aim diagonally with your body facing the corner you want to hit, and if you have a yard or 2 of space, unleash a finesse shot. If you have someone with the finesse trait like Son, it goes in with ease most of the time. Not even De Gea can save these for some reason.


To do a finesse shot, hold R1/RB as you shoot.


If you have someone without the finesse trait but they’re still a decent shooter, you’ll need to be more careful about the power, aim, and timing. If you can get green timing on someone without the trait, you can even score from extreme angles that nobody should be scoring from regularly.


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Make Fifa 20’s settings work for you. Unless you’re brand new to the Fifa series, there are quite a few standard settings that you should change immediately in order to enjoy more control and better overall performances both online in regular matches, and in FUT (Fifa Ultimate Team) mode.


Open the Settings page from the main menu, then turn Fifa Trainer off – this is a tutorial-based feature that will simply get in the way if you’re an experienced player. Also switch Auto-Tracking (which automatically selects the nearest player for you in a given situation) to ‘Air Balls’ as it’s a nightmare on Auto or Manual. You’ll find you now have complete control over your player.




Don’t rely on sprint all the time. This really is Fifa 101, but for new and fair weather players simply getting one touch of the ball and flying down the pitch with spring held down doesn’t equal goals and gold star performances. Almost all the best players, including those making a living for themselves in eSports, say to avoid sprint unless you really need it.


Apart from fatiguing players unnecessarily, sprint simply becomes a wasted resource. Instead, dribble the ball at a normal speed and get used to movement of the ball. Rely on sprint purely for extending a break or outpacing a defender in the build-up to a goal.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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