FIFA 21 - Defender Chemistry Styles Guide - Magic Game World

FIFA 21 – Defender Chemistry Styles Guide


Defender Chemistry Styles

A number of chemistry styles have been confirmed for the game and the following can be used on defenders.


Name Distributions Stats
Anchor PAC+2
+10 Acceleration, +5 Spring Speed, +5 Interceptions, +10 Heading, +10 Marking, +10 Standing Tackle, +10 Sliding Tackle, +10 Jumping, +10 Strength, +10 Aggression
Backbone PAS +2
+5 Vision, +5 Crossing, +5 Long Passing, +10 Short Passing, +5 Curve, +5 Interceptions, +5 Heading, +10 Marking, +10 Standing Tackle, +10 Sliding Tackle, +5 Jumping, +10 Strength, +5 Aggression
Gladiator SHO +3
DEF +3
+15 Positioning, +5 Finishing, +10 Shot Power, +5 Long Shots, +10 Interceptions, +15 Heading, +5 Marking, +10 Standing Tackle, +15 Sliding Tackle
Guardian DRI +3
DEF +3
+5 Agility, +10 Balance, +5 Reactions, +5 Ball Control, +15 Dribbling, +10 Interceptions, +5 Heading, +15 Marking, +10 Standing Tackle, +10 Sliding Tackle
Sentinel DEF +3
PHY +3
+5 Interceptions, +10 Heading, +15 Marking, +15 Standing Tackle, +15 Sliding Tackle, +5 Jumping, +15 Strength, +10 Aggression
Shadow PAC +3
DEF +3
+15 Acceleration, +10 Sprint Speed, +10 Interceptions, +10 Heading, +15 Marking, +15 Standing Tackle, +15 Sliding Tackle


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