Final Fantasy 15: Adamantoise Boss Fight Location Guide - Magic Game World

Final Fantasy 15: Adamantoise Boss Fight Location Guide


The Adamantoise is a huge Level 99 mega-Boss. It is found in Leide after completing the story. After completing the story, save the game once the credits complete. Load the saved game, then go to a lodging and call Umbra to travel back to the open world. Talk to Cindy at Hammerhead outpost. She will give you the “Let Sleeping Mountains Lie” quest. Complete Cindy’s “Let Sleeping Mountains Lie” quest to awaken the Adamantoise. Then, follow the quest markers. Talk to the restaurant owner at Hammerheard outpost and accept the “Lonely Rumblings In Longwythe” Level 99 monster hunt quest to fight the Adamantoise. Defeat the Adamantoise to get the “Tortoise Toppler” achievement. The following are some tips for defeating the Adamantoise:


1-) You should be at least Level 40. The higher your level, the quicker the battle will go. However, your level does not matter too much since the Boss has very easy attack patterns.


2-) Bring lots of health potions, as well as consumables muscle stimulant (extra damage) and magitek booster (negates MP cost).


3-) Buy the “Warp Factor I” and “Warp Factor II” Ascensions for more warp-strike damage. You will constantly be using this technique during the fight.


4-) Equip the strongest greatsword you can find, but do not use the Dominator since the Adamantoise is immune to holy light.


5-) Cook the “Golden Tail Soup” meal at a campfire and eat it just before going to the Boss. You will unlock this recipe when reaching Cooking Level 10. It guarantees critical hits and greatly increases health recovery. This way you will not have to touch your health potions and deal massive damage.


6-) All you have to do during the fight is keep attacking the Adamantoise’s right paw with warp-strike. Use Warp suspension to immediately refill your MP. When the Adamantoise gets knocked out, consume the Magitek Booster and Muscle Stimulant and keep attacking the eye (should do 9,999 damage with each hit). Just repeat these tactics until it is dead. The Adamantoise has 5 million HP.


7-) When you die, you have to start from the beginning — even on the Easy difficulty since you do not get auto-revived during this fight.


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