Final Fantasy 15: All Treasure Locations Guide - Magic Game World

Final Fantasy 15: All Treasure Locations Guide

Final Fantasy 15: All Treasure Locations Guide

The following treasures can be found in the listed location(s) or obtained using the corresponding method:



All Treasure Locations

Metal Scrap: Found in Leide.

Rusted Bit: Found commonly throughout the game.

Iron Shavings: Found commonly throughout the game.

Fossil Wood: Found commonly throughout the game.

Fossil Shell: Found in Galdin Quay, Glacial Grotto, and Fociaugh Hollow.

Ammonite Fossil: Found in different dungeons.

Shattered Timepiece: Found in Cleigne.

Chrome: Found in various dungeons.

Ancient Dragon Tooth: Found in Cauthess Rest Area, Fociaugh Hollow, Daurell Caverns, and Meldacio Hunter HQ.

Dragon Scales: Found in Kitty Catering.

Mythril Shaft: Found in different dungeons.

Sharp Bone: Found in Leide.

Strong Bone: Found in various dungeons.

Electrolytic Condenser: Found in Leide.

Laser Sensor: Found in Imperial bases, Gralea, and as an enemy drop.

Dynamo: Found in Callatein’s Plunge right outside Glacial Grotto, Gralea, Insomnia, and as an enemy drop.

Magitek Core: Found in Galdin Quay, from Stealing the Past quest, and as an enemy drop.

Star Shell: Found in Galdin Quay.

Tiny Feather: Found in Duscae.

Giant Feather: Found in Hammerhead area and Verinas Mart, Ravatogh.

Beetle Shell: Found in Meldacio Hunter HQ and Daurell Caverns.

Building Stone: Found in Duscae and south region of Cleigne.

Quality Building Stone: Found in Hammerhead area and Rock of Ravatogh.

Splendid Building Stone: Found in various dungeons.

Old Book: Found in Lestallum.

Broken Harmonica: Found in Lestallum and Deadeye’s Lair.

Platinum Ingot: Acquire Gladio’s Survival Skill (Level 7-10).

Rare Coin: Found in Cleigne.

Mythril Ingot: Acquire Gladio’s Survival Skill (Level 10).

Glass Gemstone: Found in Lestallum, Cape Caem, and Rock Of Ravatogh.

Earth Gemstone: Found in Cleigne.

Sky Gemstone: Found in Tenebrae, various dungeon mazes, and from “A Feline Feast” quest.

Beautiful Bottle: Found in Duscae.

Debased Silverpiece: Found near various outposts in Cleigne.

Debased Banknote: Found in Cleigne.

Gralean Medal of Distinction: Found in East of Lestallum and Gralea.

Imperial Medal of Honor: Found in Gralea.

Magnetron: Found in Gralea and as an enemy drop.

Hydraulic Cylinder: Found in north of Fort Vaullerey, Gralea.

Wind-up Lord Vexxos: Obtained from playing Justice Monsters Five mini-game.

Hunter’s Medal: Found through Menace Beneath Lucis quest.

Garula Tusk: Found in Burbost Souvenir Emporium and as an enemy drop.

Garula Fur: Found through Totomostro and as an enemy drop.

Great Garula Tusk: Found through Totomostro and Coernix Station – Alstor region.

Hairy Horn: Dropped by Dualhorn.

Hardened Hoof: Dropped by Bloodhorn, Ashenhorn, Grandhorn, and Dualhorn.

Giant Hairy Horn: Found in Galdin Quay and dropped by Ashenhorn, Grandhorn, and Dualhorn.

Thick Hide: Dropped by Aspidochelon.

Worn Incisor: Dropped by Aspidochelon.

Coeurl Whiskers: Dropped by Elder Coeurl and earned in Totomostro.

Sabertusk Claw: Found in Burbost Souvenir Emporium and dropped by Frekitusk and Alphatusk.

Curved Fang: Found in Longwythe Rest Area region and dropped by Saberclaw.

Voretooth Bristles: Dropped by Voretooth and Yellowteeth.

Havocfang Hide: Dropped by Havocfang.

Scaled Skin: Dropped by Mushumahhu and Burbost Souvenir Emporium.

Barbed Poison Needle: Dropped by Mushumahhu.

Crimson Tongue: Dropped by Falxfang and Megaloclaw.

Hard Whiskers: Dropped by Maganir, Mesmenir, and bought from Burbost Souvenir Emporium.

Mesmenir Horn: Found in Burbost Souvenir Emporium.

Anak Fetlock: Found in Burbost Souvenir Emporium and dropped by Anaklaban and Anakadom.

Anak Antlers: Found in Burbost Souvenir Emporium and dropped by Anak Stag.

Giant Curlhorn: Dropped by Arabgadol.

Sahagin Scale: Dropped by Sahagin.

Sharp Head Fin: Dropped by Seadevil and Coraldevil.

Shiny Oil: Dropped by Gigantoad, Gaiatoad, and Hekatontoad.

Rough Scales: Dropped by Gurangatch.

Catoblepas Fang: Dropped by Catoblepas.

Curved Hollowhorn: Dropped by Kujata.

Cockatrice Tail Feathers: Dropped by Cockatrice.

Cockatrice Crest: Dropped by Cockatrice.

Basilisk Plumage: Dropped by Basilisk.

Insect Stinger: Dropped by Killer Bee.

Barbed Scythe: Dropped by Killer Wasp and Solider Wasp.

Behemoth Horn: Found in Burbost Souvenir Emporium, Wiz Chocobo Post region, Deadeye lair.

Griffon Claw: Dropped by Griffon.

Bulette Carapace: Dropped by Griffon.

Shield Spike: Dropped by Bulette.

Malboro Eye: Dropped by Bulette.

Malboro Vine: Dropped by Malboro Sprout and Malboro Brat.

Monster Claw: Dropped by Bandersnatch.

Monster Jaw: Dropped by Bandersnatch.

Greatsnake Crest: Dropped by Hvitromr and Midgardsormr.

Centipede Jaw: Dropped by Hunglegs.

Prawn Antennae: Dropped by Karlabos and Rogue Karlabos.

Scorpion Stinger: Dropped by Saphytail.

Treant Branch: Dropped by Treant.

Treant Trunk: Dropped by Treant.

Mandrake Flower: Dropped by Mandrake.

Wyvern Wing: Dropped by Wyvern.

Sharp Tail Feathers: Dropped by Daggerquill and Dynoaevis.

Thunderoc Feathers: Dropped by Thunderoc and Copperoc.

Zu Beak: Dropped by Zu.

Dragon Horn: Dropped by Manxom and Jabberwock.

Scarlet Splinterbone: Dropped by Quetzalcoatl.

Great Anak Antlers: Dropped by Anaklaban and Anakadom.

Arba Spur: Dropped by Arba and Arbagadol.

Centipede Feet: Dropped by Redlegs.

Centipede Teeth: Dropped by Redlegs.

Rough Shell: Dropped by Karlabos.

Fine Slimy Oil: Found in East of Lestallum and dropped by Gaiatoad.

Sharp Bristles: Dropped by Voretooth.

Deadly Stinger: Dropped by Killer Queen.

Strong Whiskers: Found in Taeplar Rest Area region.

Giant Hoof: Dropped by Kujata.

Fearsome Hoof: Dropped by Molokujata.

Colorful Griffon Claw: Dropped by Griffon.

Translucent Skin: Dropped by various enemies.

Fine Tail Feathers: Dropped by Kingatrice.

Magnificent Tail Feathers: Dropped by Kingatrice.

Fine Crest: Dropped by Kingatrice.

Magnificent Crest: Dropped by Kingatrice.

Beautiful Hide: Dropped by Havocfang.

Big Scorpion Stinger: Dropped by Reaperking.

Scorpion Barb: Dropped by Reapertail.

Hard Scale: Dropped by Alphagin.

Cactuar Needle: Dropped by Slactuar and South of Lake Vesperpool.

Heavy Scale: Dropped by Seadevil and Coraldevil.

Spiked Armor: Dropped as an enemy drop.

Hardened Hide: Dropped by Manxom and Jabberwock.

Jumbo Needle: Dropped by Gigantuar.

Sharp Scythe: Dropped by Killer Wasp.

Beautiful Plumage: Dropped by Royalisk.

Gorgeous Plumage: Dropped by Royalisk.

Tough Shell: Dropped by Skarnbulette.

Giant Crab Pincers: Found in Malmalam Thicket and dropped by Shieldshears and Mightyshears.

Strong Pincers: Dropped by Sheidshears.

Small Beak: Dropped by Regaltrice.

Downy Feathers: Dropped by Regaltrice.

Dragon Claw: Dropped by Wyvern.

Drooping Whiskers: Dropped by Jormungand.

Divine Whiskers: Dropped by Jormungand.

Crab Carapace: Dropped by Stoneshears, Rubyshears, and Sparkshears.

Sturdy Helixhorn: Dropped by Leukorn and Duplicorn.

Rotten Splinterbone: Dropped by Mictlantechihuatl.

Large Hollowhorn: Dropped by Molokujata.

Adamantite: Dropped by Adamantoise.

Repair Kit: Found in Mini-mark in Hammerhead, JM Market in Old Lestallum, and Coernix Stations.

Bluegilll Scale: Obtained from fishing.

Bluegill Fin: Obtained from fishing.

Catfish Barbel: Obtained from fishing.

King Catfish Heart: Obtained from fishing.

Jade Gar Mirrorscale: Obtained from fishing.

Snakehead Teeth: Obtained from fishing.

Snakehead Scales: Obtained from fishing.

Alstor Bass Bones: Obtained from fishing.

Phoenix Bass Bladder: Obtained from fishing.

Arapaima Scales: Obtained from fishing.

Barrelfish Scales: Obtained from fishing.

Murk Grouper Eye: Obtained from fishing.


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