Final Fantasy 15 Trophy Guide - Magic Game World

Final Fantasy 15 Trophy Guide


Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:


The World Wanderer (Platinum): Collected all trophies.

Learner’s Permit (Bronze): Drove the Regalia.

Chocobo Jockey (Bronze): Rode a Chocobo.

Quadruple Threat (Bronze): Equipped four weapon slots.

New Power (Bronze): Learned first ability.

Self-Improved (Silver): Activated 20 ability nodes.

Self-Mastered (Gold): Activated 50 ability nodes.

Angling Rookie (Bronze): Improved fishing level for the first time.

Survival Rookie (Bronze): Improved survival level for the first time.

Photo Rookie (Bronze): Improved photography level for the first time.

Cooking Rookie (Bronze): Improved cooking level for the first time.

Angling Expert (Bronze): Reached maximum fishing level.

Survival Expert (Bronze): Reached maximum survival level.

Photo Expert (Bronze): Reached maximum photography level.

Cooking Expert (Bronze): Reached maximum cooking level.

Just Hangin’ Around (Bronze): Performed first point-warp suspension.

Brother-in-Arms (Bronze): Issued first ally command.

Blind Spot (Bronze): Performed first blindside link.

Noct You Like a Hurricane (Bronze): Initiated first link-strike after parrying an attack.

The Power of Kings (Bronze): Called forth the Armiger for the first time.

Magical Worker (Bronze): Crafted a spell for the first time.

Black Mage (Bronze): Used magic for the first time.

Divine Intervention (Bronze): Summoned one of the Six for the first time.

High Five for Justice! (Bronze): Played JUSTICE MONSTERS FIVE for the first time.

Spinning a Yarn I (Bronze): Completed first sidequest.

Spinning a Yarn II (Bronze): Completed 5 sidequests.

Spinning a Yarn III (Bronze): Completed 10 sidequests.

Spinning a Yarn IV (Bronze): Completed 20 sidequests.

Spinning a Yarn V (Bronze): Completed 40 sidequests.

Weaving a Tapestry (Silver): Completed 80 sidequests.

My First Hunt (Bronze): Completed first hunt.



Additionally, there are 20 secret trophies:

Insomnia’s Waking Nightmare (Bronze): Completed the Prologue.

Departure (Bronze): Completed Chapter 1.

No Turning Back (Bronze): Completed Chapter 2.

The Open World (Bronze): Completed Chapter 3.

Living Legend (Bronze): Completed Chapter 4.

Dark Clouds (Bronze): Completed Chapter 5.

A Way Forward (Bronze): Completed Chapter 6.

Party of Three (Bronze): Completed Chapter 7.

Seaworthy (Bronze): Completed Chapter 8.

Callings (Bronze): Completed Chapter 9.

The Heart of a King (Bronze): Completed Chapter 10.

In the Dark (Bronze): Completed Chapter 11.

End of Days (Bronze): Completed Chapter 12.

Redemption (Bronze): Completed Chapter 13.

Homecoming (Silver): Completed Chapter 14.

Chosen King (Gold): Defeated Ifrit on Normal difficulty.

Regalia Pilot (Silver): Flew the Regalia Type-F.

Faithful Heir (Silver): Collected thirteen royal arms.

Immortal Photobomb (Bronze): Caught an image of Gentiana in a photo.

Tortoise Toppler (Gold): Defeated the adamantoise.


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