FINAL FANTASY X PS4 Cheats - Magic Game World


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PS4 Cheats

Final Fantasy X2 – Unlock Alternate Endings:

The following endings will become unlocked when you complete the corresponding tasks.



Take too long during the final Boss sequence.



Hear no whistles in the Farplane in Chapter 3.



During Chapter 3 hear 4 whistles in the Farplane and have a file completion less than 75%.



During Chapter 3 hear 4 whistles in the Farplane and have a file completion between 75% and 100%.



During Chapter 3 hear 4 whistles in the Farplane and have a file completion of 100%.




Final Fantasy X2 – Unlock Alternate Endings:

The following endings will become unlocked when you complete the corresponding tasks.



Take too long during the final Boss sequence.



Hear no whistles in the Farplane in Chapter 3.



During Chapter 3 hear 4 whistles in the Farplane and have a file completion less than 75%.



During Chapter 3 hear 4 whistles in the Farplane and have a file completion between 75% and 100%.



During Chapter 3 hear 4 whistles in the Farplane and have a file completion of 100%.



Final Fantasy X2 – Aeon Cup:

When you complete ALL the Fiend Tales for the following monsters the Aeon Cup will become unlocked. To complete a Fiend Tale you must capture the monster, raise their Experience by 5 levels and then release them in the Creature History menu where they evolve into Aeons. The Aeon Cup will become unlocked when ALL the monsters have evolved.


Chapter 1-4 (Besaid Island):

Large trap pod – Flame Dragon (Ifrit)



Chapter 2 (Moonflow, Bevelle, Calm Lands):

Small trap pod – Flan Blanco (Shiva)



Chapter 3-5 (Mi’ihen Highroad, Zanarkand Ruins):

Small trap pod – Mycotoxin (Valefor)



Chapter 5 (Bevelle):

Medium trap pod – Critical Bug (Yojimbo)



Chapter 5 (Bevelle):

Large trap pod – Azi Dahaka (Bahamut)



Chapter 5 (Bikanael Desert – after completing mission):

Large trap pod – Jumbo Cactuar (Magus Sisters)



Chapter 5 (Bevelle – after clearing at least Cloister level 20):

Large trap pod – Aranea (Anima)



Chapter 5 (Thunder Plains – after clearing Thunder Plains ):

Large trap pod – Machina Striker (Ixion)




Final Fantasy X2 – New Game:

This feature will become available when you have completed the game. In New Game+ you will begin with the rare items and abilities from your previous game.



Final Fantasy X – Airship Locations:

Enter the following X and Y coordinates to travel to the corresponding destination.


Baaj Temple:

Enter X11, Y57



Besaid Falls:

Enter X29, Y73



Mi’ihen Ruins:

Enter X33, Y55



Omega Ruins:

Enter X69, Y33



Sanubia Sands:

Enter X12, Y41



Final Fantasy X – Airship Passwords:

When you have the airship enter the following case sensitive passwords (without the quotes) using the ‘Input’ feature in the airship command list.


Auron’s Murasama Katana:

Bears 1 MP cost ability:




Rikku’s Victorious Armour:

Nullifies 3 types of elemental attack




Rikku’s Godhand Celestial Weapon:



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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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