Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age - All Esper Locations Guide - Magic Game World

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age – All Esper Locations Guide

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age - All Esper Locations Guide


You must first complete the Wraith, and White Mousse hunts to obtain the Sluice Gate Key.


  • -Enter Garamsythe Waterway and go to the Central Waterway Control. There should be 4 sluice gate switches. To start, turn all 4 of them off.


  • -Activate sluice gate switches 3 and 10.


  • -Enter the No. 3 Cloaca Spur. Make your way all the way to the end to find the No. 1 South Waterway Control Switch. Activate it and return to the Central Waterway Control.


  • -Deactivate sluice gate switches 3 and 10, then activate sluice gate switches 4 and 11.


  • -Enter the No. 4 Cloaca Spur. Make your way all the way to the end to find the No. 1 North Waterway Control Switch. Activate it and return to the Central Waterway Control.


  • -Deactivate the sluice gate switch 10, then activate sluice gate switch 3. In other words, only sluice gate switches 3 and 4 should be activated.


  • -Enter the No. 1 Cloaca, where Cuchulainn is located.




Adrammelech is located in the Athroza Quicksands area of the Zertinan Caverns. To reach this area, you must enter the Zertinan Caverns from the Switchback area of Ozmone Plains.




The Flowering Catoid and Nidhogg hunts must be complete.


  • -Visit Dantro’s Wife at the South Bank Village of the Dalmasca Estersand and give her the Cactus Flower obtained from the Flowering Cactoid Hunt.


  • -Exit and re-enter the village.


  • -Speak to Tchigri on a boat near the shore to be ferried across the river.


  • -Talk to Ruksel.


  • -Return to Dantro’s Wife, then inspect the flower behind her house.


  • -Speak to Tchigri again to return across the river.


  • -Speak to Dantro’s Wife and she will request four Semclam Shells. Two can be located on the shore in the South Bank Village and three on the shore in the Banks of the Nebra.


  • -Return and give them to Dantro’s Wife. She will then ask for Nebralim. This can be located on the crates behind Dantro at the Outpost.


  • -Return to Dantro’s Wife. Next, she asks for Valeblossom Dew. Cross the river and go to the Broken Sands area.


  • -Return to Dantro’s Wife and give her the Valeblossom Dews. Finally, she will ask for a Great Serpentskin, which was the reward from the Niddhogg hunt. If you didn’t sell it, give it to her. If you did sell it, the quest will still end but your reward will be different.


  • -Leave the immediate area and re-enter.


  • -Speak to Dantro’s Wife and she’ll tell you the patient is waiting for you behind her house.


  • -Speak to him to receive the Barheim Key.


You can now access a new area of Barheim from the banks of Nebra. Make your way to the end of this new section to locate Zalera.




  • -Head to the teleport crystal of the Mosphoran Highwaste (The Bubbling Vale.)


  • -In the Bubbling Vale, activate the South Wind Shrine.


  • -Enter the Rays of Ashen Light from the northeast exit of the Bubbling Vale and ride the Chocobo to the newly opened path (exclamation point on the map).


  • -With the Chocobo, go all the way West and then go through the grassy area to reach the Skyreach Ridge.


  • -Dismount the Chocobo and take the path from the Skyreach Ridge back to the Bubbling Vale.


  • -Activate the West Wind Shrine.


  • -Push the weathered rock to create a path down to the Bubbling Vale.


  • -Activate the Northwest Wind Shrine.


  • -Mount the Chocobo in the Rays of Ashen Light area again.


  • -Return to the Skyreach Ridge and cross the new paths (exclamation points on the map) up to the peak of the ridge to find Exodus.




After defeating Judge Bergan at Mt. But-Omisace, talk to the Acolyte waddling around the bottom of the stairs that lead to the temple. He will give you the Stone of the Condemner. Return to the Stilshrine of Miriam, and head to the end of the first room to locate the Waystone. use the Stone of the Condemner and then use the Waystone to teleport to the Throne of Veiled Gods to find Zeromus.




Chaos is located in the Necrochol of Nabudis but there is a long sidequest you must complete first.


  • -Go to Lowtown and speak to Roh’kenmou at Old Dalan’s Place. He will ask you to collect three medallion shards.


  • -The Blackened Fragment is a reward for completing the Orthros Hunt.


  • -Go to the Central Waterway Control of the Garamsythe Waterway.


  • -Close all four sluice gate switches and then activate them all in this order:


  • -Activate the No. 11 Area Panel


  • -Activate the No. 4 Area Panel


  • -Deactivate the No. 11 Area Panel


  • -Activate the No. 3 Area Panel


  • -Deactivate the No. 4 Area Panel


  • -Afterwards, you can collect the Dull Fragment on the ground in the circular area. It will be a sparkle on the floor in front of No. 1 Cloaca.


  • -To obtain the Grimy Fragment, speak to Filo in Lowtown’s South Sprawl.


  • -Afterwards, in Rabanastre’s Southern Plaza, find and talk to the Curious Woman near the fountain. Head to the Muthru Bazaar and speak to the Bangaa located just past the Clan Provisioner and ask about the necklace.


  • -Go to the Magick Shop and speak with the Sotted Imperial.


  • -Finally, return to speak with Filo, reply with “Sure, let’s go” and after the cutscene, you will obtain the Grimy Fragment.


  • -Return to Roh’kenmou and give him the shards. You must do this to progress the side-quest.


  • -Head to Archades.


  • Go to the Magick Shop and speak to Roh’Kenmu.


  • -Go to Old Archades and speak to the Proper Gent / Otto in the Alley of Muted Sighs.


  • -Return to Roh’Kenmu and give him the medallion.


  • -Return to Ma’Kleou at the Nabreus Deadlands and speak to him.


  • -Afterwards, take the hidden path in the Northwest of the Slumberland to the Overlooking Eternity area.


  • -At the end of the path, examine the monument.


  • -With these three Medallions in hand, go to the Necrohol of Nabudis.


  • -Go to the Cloister of Distant Song and open the locked door with the Medallion of Bravery to fight the Humbaba Mistant.


  • -Make your way to the Hall of Ivory Covenant and use the Medallion of Love to open the locked door to fight Fury.


  • -You can now make your way to the Cloister of the Highborn and unlock the door there to face Chaos.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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