FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION – Weaving a Tapestry Achievement Guide
Articles, Final Fantasy /
07 Mar 2018
Completed 80 sidequests.
In Final Fantasy XV, there are three quest types; side quests, hunts, and main story missions. Side quests are denoted with blue names on the “Quest” portion of the main menu. Aside from fetch quests, there are also ones related to fishing, photos for Prompto, world encounters, and more. It’s good to keep up with these side missions, so that way you’re not grinding through so many at the end of the game. Keeping their level requirements on par with your current level is a good rule of thumb. There are some side quests that become inaccessible later on, so make sure to refer to the Missables guide from the Introduction section. There are about 120 side missions in the game. Hunts do not count.