For Honor: All Collectible Locations in Knights Campaign Guide - Magic Game World

For Honor: All Collectible Locations in Knights Campaign Guide

For Honor All Collectible Locations in Knights Campaign Guide

Search the indicated locations to find all 81 collectibles (54 observables and 27 breakables) in the Knights chapters (1.1 – 1.6). To get the “Lore Master” achievement, you must find all observables in the Knights, Vikings, and Samurai campaigns. The observables are certain objects in the game world that you can look at and press the indicated key to hear some lore.


To get the “Hooligan” achievement, you must destroy all breakable objects across all three campaigns. They are wooden kegs and usually in plain sight. The collectibles are saved on the online servers instantly when collecting or breaking them. It is not necessary to reach the next checkpoint and you do not have to collect/break them again if you die.


You can view how many you found in each mission at the mission selection screen. None of them are missable, as they can be collected/broken using mission select at any time.


All the collectibles are sitting right next to each other and very quick to collect/break. The missions are short and the maps are very small — so it does not take long. You also get a new symbol for each mission where you find all the collectibles. These can be used to customize your character.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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