FREEDOM WARS Remastered PC Keyboard Controls Guide
Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
02 Dec 2024
As a prisoner in the Panopticon, you want to break free, but first you need to learn how to play. FREEDOM WARS Remastered has quick combat so you’ll have to get used to more than just guns. You’ll also use your Thorn, which works like a grappling hook and whip, to move around and attack. Our quick guide will show you the basic keyboard setup and get you ready for the fights over resources and the big battles against the Abductors.
Default Key Bindings
- Move Forward: W
- Move Left: A
- Move Back: S
- Move Right: D
- Quick Attack / Ranged Attack: Left Mouse Button
- Power Attack / Aim: Right Mouse Button
- Launch Thorn / Charge Thorn (Hold Down): F
- Switch Weapon: 4
- Reload: R
- Dash: Up Arrow (↑)
- Dodge: Spacebar
- Interact (Hold Down): E
- Use Item: Mouse Wheel Click
- Change Item (Next): 3
- Change Item (Prev): 2
- Lock-On: Q
- Change Lock-On Target (Next): X
- Change Lock-On Target (Prev): Y
- Reset Camera: 1
- Orders Menu: C
- Emote Menu: V
- Chat Menu: B