Freestyle 2: Street Basketball PC Keyboard Controls - Magic Game World

Freestyle 2: Street Basketball PC Keyboard Controls

Freestyle 2: Street Basketball PC Keyboard Controls

Check out this handy guide for all the keyboard controls and shortcuts you’ll need for Freestyle 2: Street Basketball on PC. Don’t worry, there’s not a whole bunch to remember, but this guide is perfect for a quick refresher whenever you need it.



General Controls

  • Move: ←↑↓→


  • Use Bz Skill: 1 ~ 5


  • Drive: A


  • Pass: S


  • Shoot: D


  • Dunk (C,PF): F


  • Freestyle change: Z


  • Running: Shift


  • View Skill: Tilde Key


  • Drop: G



Chat window

  • All chat: Shift + Enter


  • Team chat: Enter


  • Private chat: ;


  • Crew chat:


  • Block/unBlock all chat: F10



Game Play

  • See mid-record: Tab


  • See Equipped Skills: ~


  • Change view: F11


  • Change ID view: <


  • Change opponent identification: >


  • Print Screen Shot: Print Screen




  • Messenger: M


  • My information: P


  • Juke Box: J


  • Option: O


  • Back: Back Space


  • Close window: Esc


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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