Friday the 13th: Killer Puzzle – Weapon Recipes
Articles, Friday the 13th: The Game /
22 Apr 2018
There are currently recipes for 30 weapons in the game! To trade weapons, simply drag the three you want to trade into the boxes at the bottom of the weapon window and hit trade. If you put the correct 3 weapons in, you will get a recipe weapon! (The order in which the weapons go in does not matter. It just needs to be the specific ones for the recipe).
Weapon Recipes
- Pickaxe – Battle Axe + Crowbar + Ice Climbing Pick
- Ultra Great Sword – Broadsword + Claymore + Battle Axe
- Cattleprod – Crowbar + Flashlight + Wrench
- Golden Toilet Seat – Toilet Seat (Silver) + Toilet Brush (Silver) + Golden Crowbar (Gold)
- Briefcase – Purse + Garden Shears + Coffee Pot
- Didgeridoo – Log + Microphone + Splitting Axe
- Sledgehammer – Claw Hammer + Dumbell + Club