Friday the 13th: The Game: How to Boost Your Chances at Survival - Magic Game World

Friday the 13th: The Game: How to Boost Your Chances at Survival


Use your mic

Being able to quickly relay information to other counselors will save not only your life but other people’s life as well. If you can quickly say “Jason’s chasing me over at Stillwater!” That lets people know where you are, what’s going on, and if they can repair the car so you can jump in on the fly!



Counselor Etiquette

Seems weird that I’m bringing this up? But make sure you are treating your fellow counselors politely. That means do not mic spam and screech, do not shoot your fellow counselor for no reason, and do not fast valut through windows. You never know when you’re grabbed by Jason and you need that Vanessa with the flaregun to shoot him. You attract more bees with honey!



Doors & Houses

I can’t stress how important this is:


Never in ANY horror game do you want to leave doors open/easily accessible behind you.


Close them, and then hold E and pull the bar down over it. Why? Because Jason needs to hit the door more if the bar is pulled down over it than without it, and therefore uses more of his time. Your closing and locking that door will also alert you if Jason is trying to come through it for you. Do you want him to just open it by pressing it or slam on it a bunch therefore buying yourself more time to plan an escape route for the same effect?


Always close and lock doors behind you; never forget this. Closing and locking also help your fellow counselors tell which buildings have been searched and which ones haven’t yet so it saves you more time as well.



Do not play with Jason

Jason is considerably stronger than you in any other game in the same genre. If Jason finds you 9/10 times you are dead. Your job at that point is to waste Jason’s time. Anything to keep him tied up so that the others have a better shot at getting out and maybe rescuing you. Keeping him busy even for the 30s is enough time for someone to get on the phone and call the cops or Tommy. Remember for Jason time is currency, and he doesn’t have a lot of it to spend if he wants to wipe everyone.



Be Aware of your Surroundings and Fellow counselors

Your fellow counselors do not always have your best interest at heart. Everyone is more concerned with their own personal survival than the survival of the group which means you need to be aware constantly of what’s going on around you. The walkie-talkie is your best friend, you will hear your fellow counselors report back the status of parts they found and repairs on certain objectives as well as “Jason last spotted” callouts.



Group Play

Generally, counselors are stronger in a group than when they are alone. Being grouped together means if someone gets grabbed someone else can flare or hit him with a bat and save the grabbed guy. Being alone means you’re afforded none of this protection, but that also means Jason is able to keep tabs on all the counselors fairly easily. So I suggest small groups of 2 max 4 if you guys are trying to make a blue car / 4 seater car play.


Now there are certain counselors that have high stealth and high composure that will want to either play with each other and stealth / compose the entire way or by themselves so as not to be flagged by fellow counselors that can’t stealth or compose themselves well. Generally, these stealthy/high composure counselors are considerably slower than the others. You’ll know them when you see them.



Escaping Etiquette

When escaping in the cars, if you have objects for other objectives like say I had the fuse but escaping with a group in the blue car. Please remember to DROP the objective you have on the ground by pressing Z, same goes for spare batteries and so on. There are only 2 objectives and if you leave the map with them people can’t escape.


This is more of a “don’t be a jerk” type of thing. I generally leave them at the objective that I’m escaping with. So say that I’m leaving in the blue car, I would drop my spare battery at the blue car and whatever else I had and then say over my walkie talkie “hey guys, I left a spare battery for the yellow car at the spot the blue car is usually at.” That way I leave them in locations that are easy for everyone else to find instead of in the middle of the forest or at the exit gate.



The Gun

Every now and then you’ll find a gun on the map that can be used to stun Jason. Sometimes you’ll see people rip out a flare gun and shoot and stun Jason with it while he’s holding another counselor and think ‘I can do that with my regular gun!’ NO! If you shoot while Jason is holding another counselor it will always kill the other counselor even if you aim directly at Jason. If this happens, save your gun apologize or laugh at the dying counselor and move on. Save that bullet for an exit play.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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