Gothic 1 Remake Controls: PC Keyboard & Xbox Gamepad
The Gothic 1 Remake is almost here! We’ve managed to get our grubby hands on an updated version (thanks to Unreal Engine 5) to help you get prepared!! The fans are buzzing with excitement for this fresh take on an old favorite and we know you’re eager to explore the Valley of Mines…
To get you prepared before the launch day mayhem starts, we wanted to give you a head start and show you the default controls for easy reference. Gothic games do possess a certain feel and the Remake wishes to preserve that feel even though the gameplay has been modernized. Whether you’re going to battle the Colony with a trusty keyboard and mouse on PC or take advantage of an Xbox controller, realizing that the default control layout is key for getting started easily.
All PC Settings
PC Keyboard Controls
Movement & General Actions
- Move Forward: W
- Move Back: S
- Move Left: A
- Move Right: D
- Look Around: Mouse
- Sprint (Toggle): SHIFT
- Jump/Climb: Spacebar
- Sneak In/Out: C
- Toggle Walk: Z
Combat & Weaponry
- Draw/Sheath Melee Weapon: 1
- Draw/Sheath Ranged Weapon: 2
- Attack 1: Right Mouse Button
- Attack 2: Left Mouse Button
- Attack 3: Q
- Attack 4: E
- Block/Parry: CTRL
- Dodge: ALT
- Roll: ALT + ALT
- Throw Item: Left Mouse Button
- Cast Spell: Left Mouse Button
- Aim: Right Mouse Button
Quick Items & Interaction
- Use Quick Item: 4-8
- Select Throwing Quick Item: 4-8
- Change Objective: Mouse
- Inventory: I
- Quests: J
- Stats: K
- Dive/Submerge: C
- Surface/Swim Up: Spacebar
Xbox Gamepad Controls