Grand Theft Auto 4 PC Keyboard Controls Guide - Magic Game World

Grand Theft Auto 4 PC Keyboard Controls Guide

Grand Theft Auto 4 PC Keyboard Controls Guide

Master all the essential PC keyboard controls for Grand Theft Auto 4 with this handy guide. You’ll also find a short video below showing different settings: graphics, video, audio.



All PC Settings



PC Keyboard Controls & Keybindings


  • Take phone out: Up


  • Phone Accept: Enter


  • Phone Cancel: Backspace


  • Phone Up: Up


  • Phone Down: Down


  • Phone Left: Left


  • Phone Right: Right


  • Radar Zoom: T


  • Look Behind: C


  • Change Camera: V


  • Definition Toggle: P



On Foot

  • Action: E


  • Move Left: A


  • Move Right: D


  • Move Forward: W


  • Move Backwards: S


  • Sprint: Left Shift


  • Jump: Space


  • Crouch: Left Ctrl


  • Attack: Left mouse button (LMB)


  • Free Aim/Melee Lock On: Right mouse button (RMB)


  • Next Weapon: Wheel Up


  • Previous Weapon: Wheel Dn


  • Sniper Zoom In: Wheel Up


  • Sniper Zoom Out: Wheel Dn


  • Enter/Exit Vehicle: F


  • Enter/Exit Cover: Q


  • Reload: R



In Vehicle

  • Steer Left: A


  • Steer Right: D


  • Lean Forward: Left Shift


  • Lean Back: Left Ctrl


  • Accelerate: W


  • Brake: S


  • Handbrake: Space


  • Shoot: Left mouse button (LMB)


  • Next Weapon: Q


  • Previous Weapon: Z


  • Horn: G


  • Headlight: H


  • Look Behind: C


  • Cinematic Camera: Caps Lock


  • Hotwire 1: W


  • Hotwire 2: S


  • Next Radio Station: Wheel Up


  • Previous Radio Station: Wheel Dn


  • Turn Off Radio: X


  • Previous Song: B


  • Next Song: N




  • Shoot: Left mouse button (LMB)


  • Shoot Secondary: Left Shift


  • Throttle Up: W


  • Throttle Down: S


  • Pitch Forward: Numpad 8


  • Pitch Back: Numpad 2


  • Bank Left: A


  • Bank Right: D


  • Rotate Left: Numpad 4


  • Rotate Right: Numpad 6


  • Combat: Punch 1: Left mouse button (LMB), Punch 2: R, Kick (while locked on): Q




  • Unarmed: 1


  • Melee: 2


  • Handgun: 3


  • Shotgun: 4


  • Submachine Gun: 5


  • Automatic Rifle: 6


  • Sniper Rifle: 7


  • Heavy Weapon: 8


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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