GreedFall - Crafting Recipes Guide - Magic Game World

GreedFall – Crafting Recipes Guide


So you want to craft everything but the kitchen sink in GreedFall? Welcome to the club, and here’s your recipe guide.



Resistance Potion – Science Level 2

This potion increases magic and elemental resistance for a long period.


Bile x1 + Beast Essence x1



Major Resistance Potion – Science Level 3

This potion gives a boost in the increase of magic and elemental resistance for a long period.


Bile x1 + Beast Essence x1



Armor Ointment – Science Level 2

This Ointment quickly regenerates the armor.


Bile x1 + Beast Essence x1



Greater Armour Ointment – Science Level 3

This Ointment quickly regenerates armor in a larger quantity.


Bile x1 + Beast Essence x1



Magic Potion – Science Level 2

This potion increases magic regeneration as time goes through.


Borage x1 + Beast Essence x1



Major Magic Potion – Science Level 3

This potion quickly regenerates magic energy in a large quantity.


Borage x1 + Beast Essence x1



Health Potion – Science Level 2

This potion quickly regenerates health.


Hawthorn x1 + Beast Essence x1



Major Health Potion – Science Level 3

This potion quickly regenerates health in a larger quantity.


Hawthorn x1 + Beast Essence x1



Alchemical Stasis Mix – Science Level 2

Set an Alchemical stasis mix which explodes on contact with an enemy, and applies ‘stasis’ on enemies in the explosion radius.


Amber x2 + Pine Resin x3


The crafting requirements for Key Items required for quests or other important uses are listed below:



Laced Drink – Science Level 1

Those who will drink this will immediately doze off.


Sleeping Potion x1 + Bottle of Brandy x1



Sleeping Potion – Science Level 1

This option also helps you to knock out an enemy.


Hoof Fungus x1 + Beast Essence x1 + Inonotus Hispidus x1



Metal Dowels – Craft Level 1

These metal dowels are used in order to build or repair wood furniture.


Crude Iron Ore x1



New Cog – Craft Level 1

New cog replaces a damaged cog and repairs a broken mechanism.


Pure Iron Ore x1 + Damaged Cog x1 + Crude Iron Ore x1



Potion of the Demonic Ritual – Science Level 1

The potion is used in the ritual to talk with the demon.


Nightshade Berries x1



Vindwal’s Antidote – Science Level 1

This decoration is used to treat the lewolan fever that Brother Fidelis is afflicted with.


Bile x1 + Russula Heterophylla x2



Sovereign Potion against Burns – Science Level 1

This potion soothes burns and helps in the healing of damaged tissue.


Nightshade Berries x1



Potion for the Anatelas Fer Ritual – Science Level 1

This potion made for the tierna harh cadachtas must be used during the Anatelas for ritual.


Beast Essence x2 + Nightshade Berries x2 + Scavengers’ Organs x3


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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