GreedFall PC Keyboard Controls
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, GreedFall /
10 Sep 2019
The default control scheme for GreedFall for PC is:
PC Keyboard Controls
- Attack: Left Mouse Button
- Secondary attack: Left Ctrl
- Fury: Q
- Dodge: Right Mouse Button
- Move forwards: W
- Move backwards: S
- Move left: A
- Move right: D
- Sprint: Left Shift
- Stealth stance: C
- Camera: Mouse Movement
- Lock on a target: Middle Mouse Button
- Switch target (top): Up Arrow
- Switch target (bottom): Down Arrow
- Change targets (left): Left Arrow
- Change targets (right): Right Arrow
- Open Tactical Pause: Tab
- Go top: W
- Go down: S
- Go left: A
- Go right: D
- Game Menu: B
- Open the stats page: P
- Shortcut to open the skill tree: K
- Shortcut to open the inventory: I
- Shortcut to open the map of the area: M
- Shortcut to open the quest log: J
- Open the world map: . (Period)
- Open the codex: N
- Shortcut 1: 1
- Shortcut 2: 2
- Shortcut 3: 3
- Shortcut 4: 4
- Shortcut 5: 5
- Shortcut 6: 6
- Shortcut 7: 7
- Shortcut 8: 8
- Shortcut 9: 9
- Shortcut 10: 0
- Shortcut 11: – (Minus)
- Shortcut 12: = (Equals)
- Interaction 1: E
- Interaction 2: Q
- Interaction 3: R
- Interaction 4: T
Note: Click to enlarge the image;