Green Hell – Alternative Curatives
Articles, Green Hell /
03 Sep 2018
Unlisted method of curing diseases, but generally list all of the methods to cure it.
Bleeding Wound
- Leaf Bandage of any sort would close it, other upgraded bandage will do too
- Banana Dressing
Laceration Wound
- Leaf Bandage/Banana Dressing (small chance of leaving infection instead)
- Ash Dressing
- Honey Dressing
- Jungle Ants: Placed on the wound
Infected Wound
- Maggots: Placed on the wound (do not eat)
- Honey Dressing
Snake/Scorpion Venom
- Tobacco Leaves: Bandaged & Stewed (Bandage removes the venom and the wound over time, while stew removes only the venom, not the wound)
- Plantain Lily (Heart leafed herb): Eaten & Stewed (2x effectiveness)
- Painkiller
- Needles (Bone Needle, Fish Bone, Stingray Tail)
- Sleep in an elevated log/bamboo bed to avoid this
- Quasi Amara: Stewed (bug cause it to add fever instead)
- A good rest at on good bed
- Honey Dressing
- Time
Food Poisoning
- Charcoal: Eaten
- Water Lily Flower: Eaten, better if stewed
- Painkiller
- Cup mushroom: Eaten, better if stewed