Guide to Starting a PixARK Server - Magic Game World

Guide to Starting a PixARK Server

Guide to Starting a PixARK Server

How To Start a PixARK Server

Follow these simple steps;


  • Make a fresh folder on the desktop called PixARK (or wherever you want)


  • In the PixARK folder create 2 folders called steamcmd & server


  • Make 2 Bat files in the PixARK folder called update.bat & startserver.bat


  • In the update.bat file put this text -> start “” steamcmd/steamcmd.exe +login anonymous +force_install_dir “E:\PixArk\Server” +app_update 824360 validate +quit


  • Change the location of your PixARK folder to what yours is.


  • In the startserver.bat file put this text ->

start “” /normal “E:\PixArk\Server\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64\PixARKServer.exe” CubeWorld_Light?listen?Multihome= -ServerPort=15000 -CubePort=27019 -CULTUREFORCOOKING=en -forcerespawndinos -NoBattlEye -NoHangDetection -nosteamclient -game -server -log -high



  • Again change the location of your PixARK folder to what yours is. Also change the Multihome IP address to your internal address.


  • Download SteamCMD unzip it and put the SteamCMD exe into the steamcmd folder.

SteamCMD Download


  • Now double-click the update.bat file and let it download the required files.


  • Next step is to fire up the server so go ahead and double-click on the startserver.bat file.


  • Once the server has finished loading go to *PixArk\Server\ShooterGame\Saved\CubeServers\CubeWorld_Light\CubeWorld_Light*


  • Open up World.ini with a text editor, and you can leave the server running.


  • Make sure that ServerPort is set to 27019


  • Now you can open/forward ports UDP=15000 & 27019, TCP = 15000 & 27019


  • Now on your Keyboard hit Winlogo + R and type wf.msc into the box and hit enter


  • Click on inbound rules


  • Make Sure that PixARK shows up twice in there, double click each one and make sure that in Protocol and Ports one is set to UDP and one is TCP


  • Stop the server


  • Now you need to go to the folder *PixArk\Server\ShooterGame\Saved\Config\WindowsServer*


  • Edit your GameUserSettings.ini with a text editor


  • Make sure this is in there:[SessionSettings] SessionName=yourservername Port=14999 QueryPort=27019 Multihome=same as what you put in the serverstart.bat file[ServerSettings] RCONEnabled=True RCONPort=27020 RCONServerGameLogBuffer=600.000000


  • Restart the server


  • Now to see your server in the in-game browser you need to open Steam up and click view/servers/favorites tab.


  • Click Add a Server and put in this: (make sure to change to your multihome ip)


  • Now start up PixArk and you should now see your server under Favorites.


Note – Use this tool to connect to RCON:

Steam Community RCON Tool


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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  1. Dylan 7 years ago

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