Guide to the Shiny (Bootleg) System in Cassette Beasts - Magic Game World

Guide to the Shiny (Bootleg) System in Cassette Beasts

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What is a Bootleg?

In Cassette Beasts, a Bootleg is akin to what other games (Pokemon, Coromon etc.) might refer to as a shiny monster. But unlike in other games, where shiny monsters are merely palette swaps, Bootlegs in Cassette Beasts undergo both color and elemental type changes. This concept fits in perfectly with the retro theme of the game.



The Bootleg Sticker System

Every Bootleg comes with a unique, procedurally generated sticker pool. When your monster levels up, it gains a sticker. This sticker can serve as either an active move or a passive effect. A distinct characteristic of Bootlegs is their higher probability of obtaining uncommon and rare stickers upon leveling up.


The procedural generation of the sticker pool, combined with the elemental type changes, results in a nearly infinite number of potential Bootleg variations, each with its own unique characteristics.


Cassette Beasts Stickers: Types, Slots and Uses



Glitter Types

The game also introduces a ‘Glitter Type,’ a category exclusive to techniques, which is generally temporary. A move called “Glitter Bomb” can transform an opponent into a glitter type. When these glitter types attack or make contact, they change into different types, adding another layer of strategy to the gameplay.



How to Obtain a Bootleg

Now, let’s get to the practical part – how do you obtain a Bootleg? The likelihood of encountering a Bootleg in the wild is one in a thousand. Although this may seem like a daunting task, the game has made it easier by changing the overall sprite colors to reflect the Bootleg colors. After the initial 1/1000 chance of encountering a Bootleg, each type, including Glitter, has a further 1/14 chance of appearing.


Hunting for a specific type can therefore be quite challenging with a 1/14,000 chance. However, you can increase your odds of finding a specific Bootleg type by sacrificing a tape of the corresponding type. This strategy doesn’t apply to the Glitter type, though, as it doesn’t have any non-Bootleg counterparts.


However, stay alert, as the demo version doesn’t have any audio cues or visual sparkles like in Pokemon. The name of the Cassette Beast will appear highlighted in red to indicate that it is a Bootleg.


Before you start hunting, it’s recommended to farm some Plastics from Traffic Crabs in the beginning area to make cassette tapes, which are necessary for recording your Beasts.


When you come across a Bootleg, you should first weaken it, then capture it using your cassette tape. A useful tip is that the Bootleg won’t faint even if your Cassette Beast is over-leveled during the capture process, making it easier to weaken.


Cassette Beasts Cheats and Secrets


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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