GUNDAM BREAKER 4 PC Keyboard Controls Guide
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
08 Mar 2024
Hey Gundam pilots, gear up to build your ultimate mobile suit and take over the battleground! GUNDAM BREAKER 4 plunges you into the center of robotic chaos. Yet, before you let loose as a top pilot, mastering the controls is a must. This walkthrough lays out a full set of default keyboard commands for GUNDAM BREAKER 4. It helps you get through menus, launch powerful moves, and tailor how you play.
PC Keyboard Controls & Default Key Bindings
- Move Forward: W / ↑
- Move Left: A / ←
- Move Back: S / ↓
- Move Right: D / →
- Jump/Boost: Space
- Guard: Ctrl
- Step: V
- Breakfall: Space
- Emergency Drop: Space
- Right Arm Attack/Melee B: Right Mouse Button
- Left Arm Attack/Melee A: Left Mouse Button
- Close-Range Switch Key: Mouse Wheel Up
- Ranged Switch Key: Mouse Wheel Down
- Shoot Left: Q
- Shoot Right: E
- OP/EX Switch Shift Key: Shift
- OP Skill 1: 1
- OP Skill 2: 2
- OP Skill 3: 3
- OP Skill 4: 4
- EX Skill 1: 1
- EX Skill 2: 2
- EX Skill 3: 3
- EX Skill 4: 4
- Change Camera Mode Function: Y
- Switch Target Right (in Lock-On Mode): M
- Switch Target Left (in Lock-On Mode): N
- Priority Target (in Lock-On Mode): Z
- Close Target (Locked-On): Alt
- Target Shift Key (Shift 1): TAB
- Switch Target Key 1: Mouse Wheel Up
- Switch Target Key 2: Mouse Wheel Down
- Change Camera Mode: C
- Reset Camera: X
- Shooting Mode Switch: H
- Shield Bash: 5
- Rescue/Retry: T
- Set Skill Palette to 1st: R
- Set Skill Palette to 2nd: F
- Radio Chat: B
- Radio Chat Select Up: W
- Radio Chat Select Down: S
- Radio Chat Select Left: A
- Radio Chat Select Right: D
- Radio Chat Shortcut Top: 7
- Radio Chat Shortcut Bottom: 8
- Radio Chat Shortcut Left: 9
- Radio Chat Shortcut Right: 0