Heat – PC Console Commands
Articles, Misc. Guides /
31 Jan 2019
The following is a list of admin commands in-game.
Console Commands
Command | Description |
/ban [userName] (days|reason) | Bans the desired player from the server. You can set the number of days and/or reason |
/banlist (userName) | Lists the users that have been banned. Optionally via username |
/bettergui | Switches the in-game gui to its alternative |
/build [sphere|cube] (radius) (material) | Creates a shape out of blocks |
/butcher (radius) (“silent”) | Kills all monsters and critter in a radius |
/clearinv (userName) | Clears your inventory or (username) |
/config | Modify the server configuration |
/fly (userName) | Toggles fly mode for yourself or (username) |
/give [item] [amount] (userName) | Gives a specified [amount] of an [item] optionally to (username) |
/giveall | Gives max of every item available |
/godmode (username) | Enables godmode for yourself or (username) |
/heal (username) | Heals yourself or (username) |
/hydrate (username) | Hydrates yourself or (username) |
/instantbuild | Toggles instant building for the local player |
/itemlist | Lists out the names of all of the items. For use with /give |
/kick [username] | Kicks the specified player from the server |
/killall (radius) (“silent”) | Kills all entities in a radius from you. Chests are not destroyed |
/list | Displays a list of online players |
/nosecurity | Toggles security on or off |
/notice [message] | Shows a message from the server |
/nourish (username) | Nourishes yourself or (username) |
/permission | Â |
/popup [message] | Shows a popup message to all players |
/question [message] | Shows a popup to all players with a yes or no question |
/say [username] [message] | Forces [username] to say a [message] |
/shutdown | Saves and stops the server |
/stophunger [username] | Stops hunger on yourself or [username] |
/stopthirst [username] | Stops thirst on yourself or [username] |
/time | Controls the worlds time. Use a /help time for full list |
/tp [x] [z] | Teleports user to desired location. Defaults to 0,0 |
/unban [username|index] | Unbans the desired player on the server |
/videofly | Toggles flying camera mode |
/weather | Changes the weather for the world Use a /help weather for full list |
/whitelist | Allow specific players to log in while the whitelist is enabled. |
how about a item id list ??
I have a gportal server and don’t understand the config how do I make my self an admin