Heroes of Hammerwatch 2: PC Keyboard Controls and Shortcuts
Articles, Misc. Guides /
01 Jan 2025
First time booting up Heroes of Hammerwatch II? This action roguelike RPG can be a whirlwind of excitement, but figuring out the controls doesn’t have to be. Below is a straightforward breakdown of the default PC keyboard layout for easy reference. And because there’s more to the game than just the basics, we’ve included a video in this guide that covers all the other settings you can adjust.
All PC Settings
Default Key Bindings
Movement & Combat Controls
- Move Up: W
- Move Down: S
- Move Left: A
- Move Right: D
- Primary Attack: Left Mouse Button
- Off-Hand Attack: Right Mouse Button
- Skill 1: 1 / Q
- Skill 2: 2 / E
- Skill 3: 3 / V
- Dash: Space
- Potion: R
- Use: F
Menus & Interface Controls
- Context Menu: None
- Action Menu: LCtrl
- Player Menu: I / C
- Player Menu Map: M
- Guild Menu: G
- Overlay Map: Tab
- Next Sub Tab: Mousewheel Up
- Previous Sub Tab: Mousewheel Down
- Chat: T
Menu Navigation
- Menu Up: Up Arrow
- Menu Down: Down Arrow
- Menu Left: Left Arrow
- Menu Right: Right Arrow
- Menu Forward: Left Mouse Button
- Menu Back: Escape
- Toggle Menu: Escape