Heroes of Might and Magic 1 Keyboard Shortcuts & Hotkeys - Magic Game World

Heroes of Might and Magic 1 Keyboard Shortcuts & Hotkeys

Heroes of Might and Magic 1 Keyboard Shortcuts & Hotkeys

Check out this handy cheat sheet for all the keyboard shortcuts and hotkeys you’ll need for Heroes of Might and Magic 1, the classic strategy game by the legendary Jon Van Caneghem. Jon’s the genius who not only brought us this gem but also King’s Bounty and the whole Might and Magic RPG series, which pretty much became a cult classic for anyone who grew up in the ’90s.


The HoMM series still has its charm and a strong fanbase nearly 30 years later… This guide’s got you covered, whether you’re new to the game or diving back in for some nostalgia. We’ve rounded up all the keybinds you need to get straight into the game.



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Keyboard Shortcuts and Hotkeys

Adventure Window Keys:

  • Tab: Switch to the next hero in your lineup if they’ve still got movement points left.


  • M: Auto-move your currently active hero along their path.


  • K: Opens up the Kingdom Overview which gives you a summary of your empire—heroes, castles, towns, mines, treasury, and income.


  • E: Ends your current turn and moves the game on to the next player.


  • A: Brings up the Adventure Options menu where you can choose different actions.


  • G: Opens the Game Options menu to adjust your gaming preferences.



Adventure Option Keys:

  • V: Check out a detailed map of the explored world and see where your towns, castles, mines, etc., are located.


  • P: Peek at the puzzle map which gets you closer to finding the Ultimate Artifact.


  • C: Cast a spell by opening your spellbook for the active hero.


  • D: Dig for the Ultimate Artifact at your hero’s current location. Remember, it uses up all your hero’s movement for the turn.



Game Option Keys:

  • N: Start a new game—hit ‘Yes’ to confirm or ‘No’ to stick with the current game.


  • L: Load a previously saved game—choose ‘Yes’ to load or ‘No’ to back out.


  • S: Save your current game. You can overwrite an old save or create a new one.


  • Q: Quit the game—select ‘Yes’ to exit to your desktop or ‘No’ to keep playing.


  • I: Get info on the current scenario, including victory conditions for campaign games.



Hero and Town Keys:

  • H: Use this to quickly jump to your heroes one by one.


  • T: This does the same as ‘H’ but for your towns and castles.



General Keys:

  • Enter/Return: Selects a hero or town/castle, and also confirms choices in menus.


  • Esc: Use this as a ‘No’, ‘Cancel’, or ‘Exit’ when those prompts come up.


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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