Heroes of Might & Magic 3: In The Wake of Gods Cheats
Cheats, Heroes of Might and Magic /
20 Jun 2019
How to Enable Cheat Codes
In the game directory create a text file with bat extension and put in this code:
h3wog.exe /zvssveta
* The cheat menu options in the game must be enabled.
* Its functions slightly differ on the Battle and Adventure screens.
* To view it you must be in the windowed mode, press F4 for switching between modes.
Effect – Code
- WOGMINASTIRITH – Build all buildings in your castle.
- WOGGALADRIEL – Hero gets 5 archangels in each free troop slot.
- WOGOLIPHAUNT – Hero gets all war machines.
- WOGGANDALFWHITE – Hero gains a level.
- WOGSHADOWFAX – Hero receives unlimited movement.
- WOGPALANTIR – Reveals puzzle map.
- WOGEYEOFSAURON – Reveals entire world map.
- WOGISENGARD – Player receives 100,000 gold plus 100 of each resource.
- WOGSARUMAN – Hero gets all spells plus 999 spell points.
- WOGPATHOFTHEDEAD – Hero gains up to 50 death knights.
- WOGDARKLORD – Player automatically loses scenario.
- WOGONERING – Player automatically wins scenario.
- WOGBILBO – Hero gains maximum luck.
- WOGMORDOR – Replaces the shroud over the entire map.
- WOGFELLOWSHIP – Hero gains maximum morale.
- WOGSARUMANOFMANYCOLORS – Increases color saturation.
In addition, there are three cheat codes that may be used in the combat screen:
- WOGFRODO – Automatically win the combat.
- WOGDENETHOR – Automatically lose the combat.
- WOGGANDALF – Hero gets all spells plus 999 spell points.