Heroes® of Might & Magic® III – HD Edition – PC Keyboard Shortcuts
Articles, Heroes of Might and Magic /
09 Mar 2019
The New Heroes of Might & Magic III – HD Edition allows you to switch between the old version of the game and the new HD graphics by simply pressing F2.
General Controls
- Esc: Cancel, Exit, No, Return to Game, Quit
- Arrow Keys: Move current hero
- Ctrl + Arrow Keys: Scroll Adventure Map
- Return: Center current hero or town
- Tab: Send a chat message
Adventure Map Controls
- H: Select next hero
- M: Move current hero
- K: Kingdom Overview
- U: Toggle map elevation
- C: Cast spell
- Z: Put current hero to sleep
- W: Wake current hero
- Q: Quest Log, Quit to Desktop
- E: End turn
- V: View World
- P: Puzzle Map
- D: Dig
- I: View Scenario Info
- O: System Options
- L: Load Game
- R: Restart Scenario
- S: Save Game
Town Screen Controls
- Up Arrow: Previous town
- Down Arrow: Next town
- Space: Toggle between visiting and garrison heroes
Combat Screen Controls
- A: Automatic combat on/off
- D: Defend
- W: Wait
- C: Cast spell
- R: Retreat
- S: Surrender, Start combat during Tactics Phase
- O: Combat Options
- T: View troop
- F5: Toggle creature pop-up types
- F6: Toggle hex grid display
- F7: Toggle mouse shadow display
- F8: Toggle movement shadow display
- Up/Down Arrow Keys: Scroll combat messages
- Space: Select next creature
Spell Book Controls
- Left/Right Arrows: Turn pages
- Up/Down Arrows: Move through bookmarks
- A: Display adventure spells
- C: Combat spells
View Army Window Controls
- U: Upgrade creature
- D: Dismiss creature