Hollow Knight Controls Guide (PC and Xbox)
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
07 May 2023
This quick and easy to follow guide lists all the available PC and Xbox controls for Hollow Knight. Note that you can totally customize these controls from the settings menu to your liking. This guide just lists default controls for easy reference.
We also made a video that walks you through the game settings like graphics, audio, and display options. For more details, watch the video and explore the settings yourself.
All PC Settings
PC Keyboard Controls
- Up: ↑
- Down: ↓
- Left: ←
- Right: →
- Jump: Z
- Attack: X
- Dash: C
- Focus / Cast: A
- Quick Map: Tab
- Super Dash: S
- Dream Nail: D
- Quick Cast: F
- Inventory: I
Xbox Gamepad Controls
- Inventory: View Button
- Super Dash: LT
- Quick Map: LB
- Move: Left Stick / D-Pad
- Pause Menu: Menu Button
- Dash: RT
- Quick Cast: RB
- Dream Nail: Y
- Focus / Cast: B
- Jump: A
- Attack: X
- Look Up / Down: Right Stick