Home Sweet Home: Online PC Keyboard Controls Guide
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
25 Jan 2021
Home Sweet Home: Online opens a new chapter in the popular series, and offers a compelling multiplayer experience. The game features intense 4vs4 battles that take place in Niwarn, a mysterious dimension suspended between the human & spirit worlds.
Here, you and your team must work together to perform rituals, summon the Warden’s Soul, and transform into a formidable Warden, hunting down the rival team’s Visitors. This guide serves as your essential companion, providing a detailed breakdown of the default keyboard controls for PC. Here is the complete list:
Default Key Bindings
- Move Forward: W
- Move Backward: S
- Move Right: D
- Move Left: A
- Sprint: Left Shit
- Crouch: Left Ctrl or C
- Use Item: Left Mouse Button
- Interact: E
- Drop Item: G
- Aim: Right Mouse Button
- Active Perk: R
- Attack: Left Mouse Button
- Immunity: Right Mouse Button
- Interact: E
- Active Perk: R
- Mobility Perk: Left Shift
- Curse: Q
- Subskill: Left Ctrl
- Ping: Space Bar
- Ping Warden: F
- Sticker: V
- Chat All: Enter
- Chat Team: Shift + Enter
- Communication Sticker 1: 1
- Communication Sticker 2: 2
- Communication Sticker 3: 3
- Communication Sticker 4: 4
- Communication Sticker 5: 5
- Communication Sticker 6: 6
- Communication Sticker 7: 7
- Communication Sticker 8: 8