Horizon: Zero Dawn All Power Cell Locations Guide - Magic Game World

Horizon: Zero Dawn All Power Cell Locations Guide

Horizon: Zero Dawn All Power Cell Locations Guide

Search the indicated locations to find all five Power Cells. They are found in mission areas, but you can go back and collect them later as well. The missions areas are locked until you reach a certain point in the story. You can still free roam after completing the story and collect everything. To save some time, it is recommended to collect them during the main quests.


If you die, you must collect them again; they are not saved until reaching the next checkpoint. The Power Cells have a green icon that makes them easier to spot. If you have trouble reaching a location, simply hover over the area on the world map and press D-pad Down to view the different layers. Place a marker by pressing X at the same location as shown in the video. Then, go to “Game Settings” (press Options) and enable the “Waypoint Pathfinding” option. This provides a new waypoint every few meters to guide you through buildings. This is especially useful for the second Power Cell on the 12th floor of the “Maker’s End” main quest. If you get them during the story, just follow the main quest markers to automatically reach the areas.



All Power Cell locations

1. – Area: All Mother (“The Womb Of The Mountain” main quest): It is found in a side room on the right side after waking up in the mountain (1st floor). Crouch through the hole in the wall to reach it. If you miss it, this area gets locked until completing “The Heart Of The Nora” main quest, which is at the end of the story.


2. Area: Maker’s End (“Maker’s End” main quest): It is found at the very top of the tower (12th floor).


3. Area: The Grave Hoard (“The Grave Hoard” main quest): It is found on the 3rd floor, after solving the ring puzzle to open the locked door. It is behind the locked door; you will walk right into it. You have to open this door and solve the puzzle as part of the story. It is very easy to locate this Power Cell.


4. Area: GAIA Prime (“The Mountain That Fell” main quest): It is found on the 3rd floor. After going through the first part of the building, you will go outside and have to rappel down. Before rappelling down, jump down to the left on the rocks to find it in the hidden purple area.


5. Area: Ruins (“Free Roam” main quest): These are the ruins from the prologue of the game, where young Aloy fell down. One of the doors can now be pried open with the spear. When looking at the map, it is found on the 1st floor in the purple area at the bottom right corner.


After finding all five Power Cells, go to the Ancient Armory bunker. It is marked as a side quest. Insert the five Power Cells and solve the ring puzzle to get the armor. Open the Shield-Weaver Outfit Treasure Box in the inventory screen to equip the armor.


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