House Party PC Cheat Codes
Cheats, House Party, Misc. Guides /
15 May 2018
While playing the game, press Tilde ~ (The key above TAB) to display the console window. To list all the COMMANDs you can use, open the console in-game and type in help examples
Warp to player
- warpto vickie player
- warpto amy player
- warpto brittney player
- warpto ashley player
- warpto katherine player
- warpto stephanie player
- warpto rachael player
- warpto madison player
Change stephanie wih what character you want to strip or clothe
0 for top, 1 for pants/skirt, 2 panties/boxers, 3 bra/bikini top, 4 shoes
- clothing stephanie 0 off
- clothing stephanie 1 off
- clothing stephanie 2 off
- clothing stephanie 3 off
- clothing stephanie 4 off
There are about 25 poses just change Stephanie with the character you want to pose.
- pose stephanie 0 true
- pose stephanie 1 true
- pose stephanie 2 true
- pose stephanie 3 true
- pose stephanie 4 true