House Party PC Console Commands - Magic Game World

House Party PC Console Commands

House Party PC Console Commands

While playing the game, press Tilde ~ (The key above TAB) to display the console window. To list all the COMMANDs you can use, open the console in-game and type in help examples



PC Console Commands

Warpto player

warpto vickie player

warpto amy player

warpto brittney player

warpto ashley player

warpto katherine player

warpto stephanie player

warpto rachael player

warpto madison player




Change Stephanie with what character you want to strip or clothe


0 for top, 1 for pants/skirt, 2 panties/boxers, 3 bra/bikini top, 4 shoes


clothing stephanie 0 off

clothing stephanie 1 off

clothing stephanie 2 off

clothing stephanie 3 off

clothing stephanie 4 off




There are about ?25? poses just change Stephanie with the character you want to pose


pose stephanie 0 true

pose stephanie 1 true

pose stephanie 2 true

pose stephanie 3 true

pose stephanie 4 true


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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