House Party - Vickie Guide & Walkthrough - Magic Game World

House Party – Vickie Guide & Walkthrough

House Party - Vickie Guide & Walkthrough

This guide provides a walkthrough that will allow you to hook up with Vickie.



Vickie Guide & Walkthrough

Meeting Up With Vickie

Respond to Vickie’s Texts:

Choose either response.



Head to the Bushes Near the Slider:

Ask Vickie where she is.

Choose any of the questions that follow.



Talk to Vickie:

Select each of the dialogue options.



Inspect the Area & Climb the Gutter:

Follow the prompts to progress.



Shake, Shake, Shake Senora

Go Downstairs to the Slider Door:

Choose either of the responses.



Unlock the Slider Door:

Tell Vickie there is no cat.



Open Your Inventory:

Shake the catnip.



Go to the Family Room:

Approach the picture of the cat and shake the catnip.



Go to the Kitchen:

Open the cabinet (above the microwave) and inspect the allergy medication (it will fall on to the floor).

Take the allergy meds.



Go Upstairs and Knock on the Master Bedroom Door:

Shake the pills and open the door.



Treasure Grove

Go to the Closet:

Talk to Vickie and tell her that her wanting to try marijuana is silly.



Talk to Vickie Again:

Tell her that this is Madison’s room.



Go to the Spare Room and Open the Door:

Wait for Vickie to enter the room and ask her how many adult films she has been in.

Wait for Vickie to give you Ashley’s phone.



Open Your Inventory:

Check the texts and reminders on the phone.



Talk to Vickie:

Tell her you need her tiny hands.



Go to the Garage:

Inspect the stash box (orange bin on the bottom shelf).

Use the key on the stash box and consume the chocolate bar.



Studio Audience

Listen to Vickie Talk:

When she mentions Valentine’s Day, ask why she never had a good one.

Ask how to play “Never Have I Ever.”

Tell her that her special rule is a cheap rule.

Tell her you need to use the john first.



Read the Cover of the DVD Under the TV:

Open the DVD.



Go to the Master Bedroom:

Check the texts on Ashley’s phone (you may need to do this a couple of times) until the text about Madison masturbating appears.

Check underneath the bed (this option will appear when you select the bed).



Go to the Living Room:

Sit on the couch and play “Never Have I Ever” with Vickie:


  • Never have I ever…come from a military family.


  • Ask who was in the military.


  • Never have I ever…starred in Gothic Gangbang 16.


  • Never have I ever…had a Valentine’s Day as awesome as this one.


  • Tell her there’s a way you could both lose right now.


Follow Vickie Upstairs.



Sex with Vickie

Approach Vickie:

Tell her to blow you.

Press [P] to expose yourself.

While she is blowing you, select the option to have sex with her.

Remove your clothes [Y].

Change positions to your heart’s content.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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