How Do I Do an Icon Pass in NBA 2K23?
/Icon passing is not the most effective as it requires you to see the player before passing the ball. It’s a tad bit slower compared to other passes, such as the bounce pass or fake pass, where you can pass the ball without choosing a particular target.
However, the icon pass comes in handy when the defenders are bearing down on you relentlessly and a simple directional pass could easily be intercepted.
- Icon pass allows you to pass the ball to a target teammate no matter where they are on the court. It’s one of the most advanced passes in the game and requires precise timing.
- If you’re too slow, the defender can simply poke the ball from your possession.
- To do an Icon pass, press and hold RB on Xbox One Series X|S or R1 on PlayStation 4 & 5 or R on Switch to bring up the player icons.
- The icons will remain visible for as long as you continue to hold down RB/R1.
- Press the button hovering above a teammate’s head to pass the ball to them.
- Decide to whom you want to pass the ball before you activate the icon pass.
- NBA 2K is all about quick thinking and fast plays. Taking too long can cost you points, so it’s best to practice with other passes (which are much quicker) and save the icon pass for emergency situations.
- A flashy pass or a dribble handoff pass are better at creating space when the defenders are zoning in on you.